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Key Committees

The Joint Equality and Diversity Committee brings together Governors, Staff and Students to govern the work of the University in the field of Equality and Diversity. It holds the University accountable for the progress it is making against the Strategic Plan and associated Equality Objectives, and provide feedback on proposed initatives. It is currently chaired by the Deputy Chair of the Board of Governors, Kathy Gee. 

It is supported by the Equality and Diversity Operational Group which brings together those senior managers responsible for delivering key services with staff and student representatives to lead the University's work in the field of Equality and Diversity. This year the Operational Group has helped shape the University's new Equality Objecjtives and Policies, provided feedback on the University's work towards the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index and applying for the Race Equality Charter, and reviewed the Equality and Diversity Training provided by the University. 

You can read the Equality and Diversity Operational Group's Terms of Reference by clicking E&D Operational Group Terms of Reference (Word doc 26k).

You can read the minutes of the 1st Meeting held on the 9th May 2016 by clicking Minutes of the 1st Meeting of E&D Operational Group on 9th May (Word doc 84k)

You can read the minutes of the 2nd Meeting held on the 1st November 2016 by clicking Minutes of the 2nd Meeting of E&D Operational Group on 1st November (Word doc 122k)

You can read the minutes of the 3rd meeting held on the 31st January 2017 by clicking Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of E&D Operational Group on 31st January (Word doc 22k)

You can read the minutes of the 4th meeting held on the 2nd May 2017 by clicking  Operational Group Minutes for May 2017 (Word doc 19k)

You can read the minutes of the 6th meeting held on the 13th February 2018 by clicking Operational Group Minutes for February 2018 (Word doc 26k)