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Permitted Use

The University Shuttle Service is operated under Section 19 of the Transport Act 1985, referred to as a section 19 permit. Under the terms of the permit there are conditions as to the permitted use (passengers), the University is legally obliged to conform to these conditions.

The permit states that:

only passengers who are members of the body holding the permit shall be carried’.

For clarity, members of the body are and passage is limited to:

  • Staff employed by the University carrying ID
  • Enrolled Students of the University carrying ID
  • An accepted student for a new intake with a letter of acceptance
  • A visiting lecturer or person(s) instructed/invited to give an educational talk/presentation with a letter/note of authorisation·        
  • A carer accompanying any of the above
  • The standard service buses have a legal maximum occupancy of 99 passengers per vehicle, which includes standing provision.

    This service is provided to assist the onward travel between campus's for members of the University community. We cannot however guarantee to accommodate all those wishing to travel.

    When demand dictates, the University may provide additional services. It should be noted, however, that this cannot be guaranteed and therefore students and staff should look to make alternative arrangements for travel in the event that the timetabled service is operating to it's full capacity.

On no account is food or alcohol to be consumed on the vehicle.  

In agreement with the Transport Department certain limited exemptions can be applied for corporate events such as University Open Days.

You will also find bus timetables at:

  • Campus pick-up points
  • Students' Union
  • Learning Centres
  • Access Points
  • Reception areas