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Academic Associates based at the University of Wolverhampton

These academic experts, based at the University of Wolverhampton, have contributed as speakers and facilitators in CAEL's Knowledge Transfer Partnerships. They bring a wide range of skills and experience to bear in their contributions in CAEL's workshops. The spectrum of expertise includes entrepreneurship education; SMEs and family business; rural development; corporate governance; and human resources and leadership, to mention a few.

Dr Aidan Byrne is acting course leader and Senior Lecturer in English and Media and Cultural Studies based at Wolverhampton City Campus. He has published on Welsh literature, masculinities and politics in Welsh Writing in English, Welsh and Irish modernisms and politicians’ novels. He is the Secretary of the Association of Welsh Writing in English, a member of the English Society, and has published in the International Journal of Welsh Writing in English, Poetry Wales, Planet, the Times Higher Education Supplement and has contributed to a range of radio documentaries and shows. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He contributes to CAEL's work in the areas of management, governance and the workforce, sharing his experience as a staff member of the University of Wolverhampton's Board of Governors.

Read more about Aidan Byrne

As Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), Dr Anthea Gregory is responsible for the academic provision of the University of Wolverhampton.‌ After gaining a first class honours degree from Sheffield Business School, Anthea started her career working with an entrepreneur. This led her to research entrepreneurship and small business management for her PhD, which she completed at the University of Leicester. Having worked in a number of Business Schools, Anthea joined the University of Wolverhampton in 2010 as Dean of the Business School, later becoming the founding Dean for the Faculty of Social Sciences before her appointment as Deputy Vice-Chancellor. She has been involved with CAEL from the beginning, and has delivers workshop sessions on Mission and Partnerships with Africa.

Read more about Anthea Gregory

Dr Brian Shiplee has contributed to research with the Institute for European Environmental Policy, London into European Union Nitrate Policy. More recently he was the Project Manager for a European project in Climate Change Leadership involving a number of universities in the UK West Midlands region. Since 2011 he has been the University Business Development Manager responsible for developing the Continuing Professional Development portfolio for international clients. In 2011 Brian became the Transnational Education Partnership Manager with the remit for overseeing the University’s degree programs taught in Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, the Middle East and Europe. In CAEL's workshops he delivers sessions on International Collaboration.

Read more about Brian Shiplee

Dr Fatawu Bakare is a senior lecturer in Accounting and Finance with module leadership responsibilities at both undergraduate and post graduate level at the University of Wolverhampton. He is a chartered accountant and member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA). Fatawu is also an affiliate member of institute of credit management (ICM, UK). He is currently investigating the Impact of microfinance on rural farmers in Ghana, earnings management and financial reporting quality. Fatawu has extensive knowledge in oil and gas accounting particularly current issues in oil and gas accounting in emerging oil nations. He contributes to CAEL’s work in the area of Islamic banking and profitability in a global context.

Read more about Fatawu Adesina Bakare

Dr Gurmak Singh is the Head of Collaborative Partnerships (UK & International) at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wolverhampton. He is responsible for the academic operations for international and UK collaborations within the Faculty of Social Sciences, which include work with partners in Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa. His research is situated in the field of HE and innovation management and examines the interaction between human agency and structure. He contributes to CAEL's workshops on operation management in entrepreneurship centres, and higher education finance from a transnational education model.

Read more about Gurmak Singh

Dr Ian McKeown is a senior lecturer in the Enterprise & Marketing Department of the University of Wolverhampton.  Most of his teaching and research activity is in the field of enterprise and small firm growth, particularly in developing practitioner relevant research on entrepreneurial learning.  Before joining the University, Ian was involved in running his own small business and teaching in the FE sector. Ian has over the past four years engaged in several business support projects through the Knowledge Transfer Partnership scheme, which have provided invaluable experience from both a research and teaching perspective. He contributes to CAEL's work in the areas of enterprise education and entrepreneurial learning.

Read more about Ian McKeown

Dr Janet Firth is a Principal Lecturer and Head of Department of Human Resources and Leadership at the University of Wolverhampton. She has worked in the Education Sector for over 30 years and has extensive public/private sector and International experience, having delivered HR management and leadership courses for 20 years all over the world. In recent years she was a consultant to FRONTEX; the EU Border agency. She specialises in cross cultural knowledge transfer from a HRD perspective. She is a fellow of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Institute of Leadership & Management, and a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy. An early supporter of CAEL, Janet is a regular contributor to CAEL's workshops, in which she delivers sessions on strategic human resources and alignment, and Higher Education governance.

Read more about Janet Firth

Having worked for University of Wolverhampton Business School as a Senior Lecturer since 2000, Kate has over 15 years’ experience in managing PG academic programmes, quality enhancement, developing new PG initiatives including validation, recruiting students and fulfilling vital school roles such as Student Liaison Officer and Equality & Diversity Coordinator. Kate’s previous employment includes extensive HR, management and leadership roles across both the private and public sectors.  In addition, she has run her own business as a Human Resources Consultant for local SMEs. Kate contributes to CAEL's workshops in the areas of gender equality in the workplace and the boardroom, and Designing and Marking Assessments.

Read more about Kate Moseley

Dr Rob Harris' research interests have focused on knowledge transfer/development, particularly within the small business sector, in which he has provided consultancy and research support to over one thousand businesses during the past 25 years. He is a member of the Editorial Team for several learned journals. He has developed and managed the Knowledge Transfer Partnership programme (KTP) within the Wolverhampton Business School and other regional University partners. In 2007 he was presented with the prestigious Lord Stafford Knowledge Transfer Champion Award in recognition of his success in developing regional businesses. Rob contributes to CAEL in such areas as Understanding and Management of Business Supports, Marketing Capability and Strategic Planning, Change Management and Knowledge Transfer.

Read more about Rob Harris

Dr. Samuel Salia holds a PhD in Finance and is a Lecturer in International Finance at University of Wolverhampton Business School. Salia has extensive knowledge and experience in finance and corporate strategy. He worked as a Management Consultant and income generating specialist at the Management Development and Productivity Institute in Ghana. He is contributing to CAEL’s workshops in the areas of access to finance, SME entrepreneurial education training and scaled-up development programmes for small and start-up companies. Dr Salia’s current research examines at both supply and demand sides of finance with a view to generating evidence-based policies on SME access to finance in Africa.

Read more about Dr Samuel Salia.

Silke Machold, PhD, is Professor of Corporate Governance at the University of Wolverhampton Business School, UK, where she also serves as the Head of the Management Research Centre. She is the Vice-President for Governance of the European Academy of Management (since 2014) and the editor of the International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics (since 2008).  Her research interests are in the determinants of board effectiveness, board diversity and the interface between governance and CSR. She teaches and consults on these topics in the UK and overseas. In CAEL's workshops, Silke delivers sessions on corporate governance and value creation, board processes and interactions, and governance in the public sector.

Read more about Silke Machold

Dr Suresh Renukappa is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Wolverhampton. He has over 20 years of research and consultancy experience in public and private sector organisations, and has executed more than 30 large projects and authored more than 80 academic papers in the areas of strategic sustainability management, knowledge management, and digitalization of business processes. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce (FRSA) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He contributes to CAEL’s workshops in the areas of sustainability strategies, leading change toward sustainability, and managing sustainability-related knowledge.

Read more about Suresh Renukappa

Dr. Yong Wang is a Reader in Family Business & Entrepreneurship at Wolverhampton Business School. His teaching, research, and publications focus on family business, entrepreneurship, strategy, and business performance. He is the Co-Editor of the International Journal of Management Practice, and  serves on the board of  the International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA).He is also the founding director of the Sino-Foreign Family Business Research Centre at Beijing Institute of Technology, China and holds visiting professorships at both Beijing Institute of Technology and Hebei University of Technology, China. Dr. Wang is a regular contributor to CAEL’s work, and delivers training sessions on entrepreneurial learning, small businesses financing, and entrepreneurial institutions.

Read more about Yong Wang