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Frequently Asked Questions - BA (Hons) Deaf Studies (Combined Awards)

Where will I study?

The Deaf Studies course is based at the University of Wolverhampton’s City Campus. Your other chosen subject may be taught on one of our other three campuses.

How will I decide what to study?

When you arrive for your induction, your personal tutor can offer advice on your academic programme.

What support is available?

You will be assigned a personal tutor in your faculty. Module tutors are also available for subject related tutorials. The school also provides study support to assist with academic, writing and assignment skills, exam techniques etc. Find out about what Student Support is available from the University. 

How much will it cost?

For more information on fees and other financial information contact or see money matters.

Will there be an opportunity to work?

The University has a service called Careers, Enterprise and The Workplace which provides professional advice and support on a wide range of student queries, from part time work, interview skills, international opportunities, careers advice, to setting up your own business.

We also offer a work placement module as part of the course which will give you valuable and relevant practical experience. There are opportunities for working within deaf organisations via this Community link module as well as through volunteering opportunities.

How will I be assessed?

All modules will be assessed by coursework, final essays (written and video), or in class presentations and language conversations.  Theory modules are assessed via written assignments and formal presentations. Sign language assignments are assessed live or submitted on video.

How will I be taught and who will teach me?

Teaching sessions are in the form of lectures, seminars and tutorials.  These may be held in interactive teaching rooms and tutorial rooms.  You will be taught by Deaf and Hearing members of staff, using British Sign Language and/or spoken English.

Who are the other students?

Students at Wolverhampton are from diverse backgrounds, of different ages, with a variety of life experiences and may be Deaf or Hearing.

Can I get accreditation for prior experience and qualifications?

Yes, if you can show previous qualifications that meet the assessment outcomes.

Language certificates are valid for two years. If your BSL qualification is more than two years old then a skills assessment may need to be conducted, this also applies if you have BSL as a family. For further information please contact the course leader Sandra Pratt by email