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Professional Body Accreditation

Successfully completing a course that is accredited by a professional body can give you a step up on the career ladder. In some cases it can be the only route to becoming a practitioner in your chosen occupation.

BA (Hons) in Interpreting BSL/English and BA (Hons) Interpreting BSL/English with Foundation Year

NRCPD logoThe National Registers of Communication Professionals working with Deaf and Deafblind People (NRCPD) exists to protect the public by regulating communication and language professionals who work with deaf and deafblind people.

To become a Registered Sign Language Interpreter you need to show the NRCPD that you are highly skilled in a signed language like BSL, ISL or ASL and a second language that can be another signed language or a spoken language. One of those languages must be native to the UK and Ireland.

The NRCPD approve courses that meet agreed professional standards. Only people who have successfully completed an approved course can join the Register. They assess course content to ensure it meets agreed professional standards and make sure graduates are appropriately trained.

People and organisations who need the services of communication and language professionals can be sure a Registrant:

Our BA (Hons) in Interpreting BSL/English has recently been validated for RSLI (Registered Sign Language Interpreter) status by the NRCPD for those students achieving a first class honours degree (and necessary additional evidence).

All students have the opportunity commencing Level 6 to register as a ‘Trainee Interpreter’.

Visit the NRCPD website to find out more. 

BSc (Hons) Fire and Rescue

Institute of Fire Engineers Recognised Educational Programme 2018‌Our BSc (Hons) Fire and Rescue (a programme of education recognised by the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE), the professional body of the firefighting profession.

The Institution of Fire Engineers is the professional voice of international practitioners and leaders in the fire and rescue sector. Attaining a degree in Fire and Rescue from the University of Wolverhampton automatically entitles the holder to enter the IFE in the grade of Associate Member (AMI Fire E), the highest direct entry grade to the Institution. This leads to the highest grade of membership (MI Fire E) after a period of practitioner experience.