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The App. t project is led by the University of Wolverhampton and funded through the UK National Agency for Erasmus+. It started on 1st January 2015 and ended on 31st August 2017.

App.t created an app to support target groups who are more likely to be unemployed or to have difficulties finding work in the current EU economy, and their trainers. The key target group that were addressed is 16-25 years old who are unemployed and includes specifically those that:

  • are socially excluded;
  • have confidence issues;
  • have geographical obstacles;
  • are recent graduates;
  • are NEET (not in employment, education or training).

Other key target groups include:

  • VET trainers in the fields of:
    • employability skills,
    • business start-up,
    • social enterprises,
    • training
  • VET sector organisations
  • Other professionals in the field.

The App.t app will contain interactive training content which focuses on developing business start-up skills based on the principles of social enterprise. Participants will develop soft skills and work preparation skills to ultimately increase their employability and access to the labour market. The content was based on content produced through the SET4WORK project.

App.t Priorities

  • Promoted the take-up of practical entrepreneurial experiences in education, training and youth work
  • Contributed to a reduction in the number of low-skilled adults (re-skilling and up-skilling of adults)

App.t Topics

  • Labour market issues including career guidance/youth unemployment
  • New innovative curricular/educational methods/development of training courses
  • Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits)

App.t Aims for participants

  • Increased confidence and motivation
  • Access to training content and support
  • Making learning employability skills more attractive and accessible
  • Increased ICT skills
  • Influencing behavioural changes towards employment
  • Enabling access to VET and/or the labour market
  • Recognising learning and progression routes
  • Overcoming issues that would normally prevent them being involved in European projects

You can now download the App by using the QR code:


QR Code for Appt. App 
to download app


or click here

Here you can access an html version of the app with black text on a light background, as well as a workbook and the extras in a simple version with black text, for you to print on coloured paper if this makes it easier for you to read.

If you want to change the colour of the web app background, you can install the CareYourEyes extension in Chrome or ColourThatSiteadd-in in Firefox.

If you are reading the web app in Chrome, you can install the OpenDyslexic browser extension. This will change the font to OpenDyslexic and reformat the web page to make it clearer to read.

If you want to listen to the app text while or instead of reading it, there are three options:

  • For Chrome, install the SpeakIt! extension. Highlight the text you want to listen to and click the icon to listen.
  • For Firefox, install the Text to Voice add-on.
  • With any browser, you can copy text from the web app and paste it in Natural Readers:

Reference – Nightingale, R., 2016. Reading on the web with dyslexia? Here’s how to make it easier. [Accessed on 27 June 2017].

App.t App


Hier kann man auf eine HTML-Version der App mit schwarzem Text auf hellem Hintergrund zugreifen. Außerdem gibt es hier das Arbeitsheft und die Extras in einer gut lesbaren Version in schwarzer Schrift. Beides kann auf farbigem Papier ausgedruckt werden, damit es besser lesbar ist.

Wenn Sie die Farbe des Web-App-Hintergrunds ändern möchten, können Sie die CareYourEyes-Erweiterung von Chrome oder das Firefox-Add-In ColourThatSite installieren.

Wenn Sie für die Web-App Chrome verwenden, können Sie die Browser-Erweiterung OpenDyslexic installieren. Diese ändert die Schriftart und formatiert die Webseite neu, so dass man sie besser lesen kann.

Wollen Sie den App-Text anhören anstatt ihn zu lesen oder ihn gleichzeitig lesen und hören, so gibt es drei Möglichkeiten:

  • Für Chrome installieren Sie Erweiterung SpeakIt!. Dann markieren Sie den Text, den Sie hören möchten und gehen auf das Symbol für Anhören. Bei den Einstellungen können Sie in der Kategorie „Voice“ zwischen einer weiblichen (European German Female) oder männlichen Stimme (European German Male) wählen.
  • Für Firefox installieren Sie das Add-on Text to Voice. Hier markieren Sie den Text und wählen über das Kontextmenü (Rechtsklick) SpeakIt (Linksklick). Nach einer kleinen Ladezeit kann man sich dann den Text als mp3-Datei vorlesen lassen.
  • Von jedem Browser aus können Sie Text aus der Web-App kopieren und in Natural Readers einfügen. Dafür können Sie eine deutsche Stimme einstellen. Es gibt verschiedene Personen.

Referenz – Nightingale, R., 2016. Reading on the web with dyslexia? Here’s how to make it easier. [Stand 27. Jule 2017]

App.t. App 


  • Modul 9

  • Modul 10

    No extras available for Module 10

  • Modul 11

Zde můžete přistupovat k html verzi aplikace s černým textem na světlém pozadí, stejně jako sešit a doplňky v jednoduché verzi s černým textem, abyste mohli tisknout na barevný papír, pokud to usnadňuje čtení .

 Chcete-li změnit barvu pozadí webové aplikace, můžete v aplikaci Firefox nainstalovat rozšíření CareYourEyes v prohlížeči Chrome nebo doplněk ColourThatSite

Pokud čtete webovou aplikaci v prohlížeči Chrome, můžete nainstalovat rozšíření prohlížeče OpenDyslexic. Tímto změníte písmo na OpenDyslexic a přeformátujete webovou stránku tak, aby bylo přehlednější. 

Chcete-li poslouchat text aplikace během nebo namísto jejího přečtení, existují tři možnosti:

  • Pro Chrome nainstalujte SpeakIt! rozšíření. Zvýrazněte text, který chcete poslouchat, a klikněte na ikonu pro poslech.
  • Pro aplikaci Firefox nainstalujte doplněk Text to Voice.
  • S jakýmkoli prohlížečem můžete text z webové aplikace zkopírovat a vložit jej do Natural Readers::

Reference - Nightingale, R., 2016. Čtení na webu s dyslexií? Zde je návod, jak to ulehčit. [Přístup k 27. červnu 2017].

 App.t. App


This project was funded and managed through the UK National Agency.

This project follows the principles of ECVET

Related projects

The Safe Arrival Project is a consortium of five European partners. They are working to share a screening tool that predicts which young people are likely to risk becoming NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and drop out.

The ESSE project aims to increase students’ employment skills & economic growth through social enterprise.

Youth Talent to Market is an Erasmus+ funded strategic partnership that aims to develop enterprise skills in artists and artisans, with a view to helping them start or manage their art business. The project aimed to develop, test and adopt innovative  practices that will support artisans to develop and sustain a business in this sector. 

Associated Partners – Advisory Steering Board members

The Small Steps Project has been launched by the independent charity Rekindle.  Our dedicated team assists young people with the following;

  • To empower 16 – 25 year olds living in Montgomeryshire who are experiencing mental health problems. 
  • To assist young people to achieve a better quality of life.
  • To enable young people to get support, take control of their lives and feel better.
  • To work with social inclusion and mental health.
  • To address stigma attached to mental illness.

Ponthafren Association provides a unique blend of services to address the mental health needs of its members and the citizens of Montgomeryshire in North Powys. Its centres provide a drop-in facility that gives people experiencing mental health difficulties opportunities to find: a ‘safe place’; peer support, crisis support; and access to a wide range of learning and work related opportunities. 

Tir Coed is a charity and social enterprise that uses woodlands in Wales as a tool to develop personal, social and vocational skills of people living in rurally isolated areas whilst enhancing the woodland resource for the wider community.

Dyfodol Powys Futures is an organisation whose mission is to enhance the development and education of children and young people in the County of Powys by providing services to meet their needs, in particular, by providing facilities for their daily care, recreation and development, as well as by providing training, guidance and information for them, their families and for those working with them.

Social Enterprise Kent is committed to unlocking the potential of people, businesses and communities by providing them with the means to create enterprising and lasting solutions to their own challenges.

Terms of use: The App.t training material is available at  licensed under. The content prepared within the App.t  project is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. The full text of the license is available at

The training content and further sources of information were based on current information during the project duration (2014-2017) and may have changed. The training content and information is not intended to replace specialist professional business or financial advice which should be sourced from appropriate professionals and organisations. The training content and information should not be relied on for business and/or financial decisions. The project partners (University of Wolverhampton, UK, Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham, Germany, FM Consulting s.r.o, Czech Republic, Siawns Teg Limited, UK and Vsl Galvocius, Lithuania (until 31/12/2016) do not accept any responsibility for actions or decisions made based on the app content.