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Digital Theory, Technology and Practice

Research group leader:

Dr Adam Kossoff
+44 (0)1902 32 2935


Dr Denise Doyle
+44 (0) 1902 32 2443

Digital Theory, Technology and Practice’s (DTTP) research focuses onmoving image and digital technology, investigating the complexities of the move from analogue to digital technology. Drawn from a cross-disciplinary environment, DTTP brings together practitioners and theorists who experiment with the technological and performative potential of the moving image. From analogue to digital, single screen to multi-screen, performance based or interactive, the group’s practice-led research is all public facing. The internationally recognised research is disseminated through exhibition, campaigns, publications, DVD’s, artifacts in public collections, performances, film festivals and screenings, television broadcasts and through a wide range of social media.

Emphasising the relationship between practice and theory, the group’s research includes animated-documentary (Dr. Sam Moore), experimental filmmaking and performance (Dr. Adam Kossoff), fine-art video installation (Paul Harrison) and digital art (Professor Dew Harrison). Our researchers are also widely published on the virtual and the avatar (Dr. Denise Doyle) and on film and photography. Group members receive funding from a wide range of funding bodies including the Arts Council and the AHRC.

Research active staff

PhD students

  • Anna Borzenkova
  • Greg Marshall
  • Joanne Mills
  • Catherine Partington
  • Sally Pearce
  • Dan Pullar
  • Frederick Santune


Sam Moore: An Eyeful of Sound, Wellcome Trust grant, 2008, animated-documentary, it gained many international awards and has also been used as an educational tool in the sciences. Moore is currently working on Loop (2015) an Animate Projects commission for The Wellcome Trust, with Dr Serge Mostowy at Imperial College London. 

Sam Moore is currently making ZumGemeinwohl! (For the Common Good!) with renowned music ensemble Klangforum Wien. She features in the BBC Four documentary, 'The Secrets of British Animation'.

Denise Doyle has published widely on the subject of the virtual and the imaginary, the experience of the avatar body in virtual worlds and game spaces, and the use of virtual worlds for creative practice. Her most recent publication is Doyle, D., (2015) New Opportunities for Artistic Practice in Virtual Worlds, Pennsylvania: Information Science Reference. She is Editor In Chief of the Journal of Virtual Creativity, at Intellect Publishing.

Adam Kossoff’s essayistic documentary films have travelled the world to film festivals and screenings and are distributed by and the BFI. His work explores the spaces and places we live in, and how the history of these spaces affect and move us in the present. He has screened and exhibited work at the Iran International Documentary Film Festival, the London Film Festival, Montreal World Film Festival, the ICA and Whitechapel Gallery, amongst others.

Paul Harrison, together with his other half, John Wood, is the art-world equivalent of Laurel and Hardy. Their existential performative minimalist dead-pan antics are induced by the restrictive spaces of home-made architecture and the spatial and temporal boundaries of the moving image. Their works feature in numerous international collections and they are currently touring everywhere under the moon, and sometimes on the moon.