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News in brief

Arts funding boost

The University was delighted to receive a boost in Arts Council funding for its arts education development programmes.

The Black Country Children’s Services Improvement Partnership (BCCSIP), operated by the University, successfully applied for funding to develop arts education across the region. The amount to be allocated is circa £3.5m over the next three years.

The second application came from the University’s Arena Theatre. The Arts Council will provide circa £340,000 over three years, to support and develop community engagement projects aimed at raising aspirations amongst children through arts education.

Commitment to improving access and success in higher education

New figures show the University is maintaining its commitment to providing access to higher education for students from under represented groups.

Data published by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) for 2009/10 shows the University is 8.5 percentage points above its benchmark figure for recruiting undergraduate students from under-represented groups in low participation neighbourhoods.