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Bringing art to life

Andrew Logan is one of Britain’s principal sculptural artists.

Following early fame as the founder of the Alternative Miss World, he has become an influential artist with exhibitions all over the world.

Qualifying in architecture in the late 1960s, he has gone on to work across the fields of sculpture, jewellery, stage design and public art, among others. His creations are on show at the Andrew Logan Museum of Sculpture in Wales, the only museum in Europe dedicated to a living artist.

You received an honorary degree from the University of Wolverhampton in September – how did you feel about that? 

I was very honoured, and felt very humble.

What advice would you offer to students hoping to follow in your footsteps?

At the graduation ceremony, my tip was to be kind to your fellow man as you go through life.

What do you think are the greatest challenges facing today’s arts students?

I think it has become very difficult. Society is so obsessed with money that people have forgotten why we are here. To come into that world when you are creative is difficult. But as the Dalai Lama said, never give up. That would be my advice to students.

How do you think your background in architecture has helped you?

You learn about structures and balance and the philosophy of life, so it was an all round education. A lot of designers have come from an architectural background. When I am creating a sculpture or something, I have an innate sense of how to build it.

You have had a varied career – sculpture, jewellery, public art and the Alternative Miss World – what has been your favourite thing to work on?

Every piece! I am my own greatest fan because I love everything I do. When I am working on a big sculpture and have a rest, I will make a piece of jewellery. Sculpture is quite a lonely process, but public performance is a wonderful way of working with people. I love my little museum in Wales and the Pegasus sculptures – they have become a symbol.

If you were at University today, what would you study?

In my early childhood I wanted to be a vicar, because I thought it was rather wonderful to live and work in beautiful places. Hopefully now I would want to do something creative.

What do you feel has been your greatest achievement?

Living and working as long as I have! Hopefully bringing inspiration to many people.

In your opinion, what makes a great design or piece of artwork?

The soul in a piece. I see a lot of fantastic work that I am indifferent to – I rarely see anything contemporary that I feel has a soul.

Who do you admire and why?

My friend Zandra Rhodes, because she is a true artist and my friend Duggie Fields, who is a painter. Brian Eno in the musical world, as I admire his integrity. The people I love to celebrate are people who have really done something, like Zandra and Duggie, and anyone who has given a great celebration to life.

What ambitions do you still have to fulfil?

I would like to go around the world. I have seen some of the great wonders of the world but I would like to visit them all so that I can feel I have embraced the world. My great dream is to have museums of my work all around the world, with one on every continent.

For more on Andrew Logan’s work, visit:  

Image: Permanent collection of the American Visionary Art Museum Baltimore.