International When You Arrive
Check out the useful information below to help you settle in to University life. This page concentrates on what is most useful for you for the first couple of weeks, after that our Information for New Students page should have everything you'll need to ensure your time with us is successful.
If you haven't arrived yet please click the following link to our International Before You Arrive webpage which will give you plenty of things that you can do to make coming to University an easy and smooth experience.
The University organises course inductions and orientation programmes for all new arrivals to help you settle into University and Wolverhampton life, meet staff informally and make new friends. Please ensure you attend your course induction as well as the Welcome Meeting.
Please be aware that there is no advantage to arriving in Wolverhampton earlier than the advertised date. If you arrive early you may not be able to move into your accommodation until the official 'moving in' date.
If you are from outside the EU you will not be able to open a bank account, register with a doctor or look for employment until you are enrolled at the University.