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Catering Telford Innovation Campus

The Green Shoots Deli Logo

The Greenshoots Deli is situated on the ground floor of The Angad Paul (SA) Building. The Greenshoots Deli proudly serves Starbucks and Fairtrade products. Seating allows for an informal meeting place where you will be met with the aroma of freshly ground coffee to socialise with friends and colleagues or work in peace. 

The Greenshoots Deli serves premium speciality coffees, teas, patisserie, jacket potatoes, pastries and high-quality baguettes & sandwiches. Other items include a range of cold drinks, confectionery, and other snacks.  

We value and respect many dietary requirements, that’s why we offer a range of dairy-free, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and halal options. Please ask a member of staff for further information.

Opening Times:

Monday - Friday: 8.00am - 19.00pm

Saturday: 8.30am - 16.00pm

Out of term time: 8.30am - 16.00pm

A series of symbols to show which dietary requirements we can cater for.




The University of Wolverhampton recognises its responsibility to provide healthy and sustainable food to our customers.  We will work to incorporate environmental, ethical and social considerations into the products and services provided.

We recognise that it is our responsibility to encourage our suppliers and contractors to minimise negative environmental, ethical and social effects associated with the products and services they provide.

We will also strive to ensure that local and smaller suppliers are not discriminated against in the procurement process and in our specifications.

What is sustainable food?

There is no single agreed definition of sustainable food, but the following details the key areas of concern; which the University catering team want to address as part of a Sustainable Food Strategy:

The sustainable development commission describes sustainable food as food and drink that:

  • Is safe, healthy and nutritious, for consumers in shops, restaurants, schools, universities etc
  • Provides a viable livelihood for farmers, processors and retailers, whose employees enjoy a safe and hygienic working environment whether in the UK or overseas
  • Respects biophysical and environmental limits in its production and processing, while reducing energy consumption and improving the wider environment
  • Respects the highest standards of animal health and welfare, compatible with the production of affordable food for all sectors of society
  • Supports local products that keep food miles to a minimum

Our commitment

  • We will make our Sustainable Food Policy publicly available via publication on our web page.
    The policy will be monitored and reviewed annually based on customer feedback and sales mix information.


  • We will be striving for  the Soil Association Food for Life Catering Mark Bronze Standard
  • Menus are seasonal with locally sourced products where appropriate
  • At least 75% of dishes on all Soil Association-friendly menus will be freshly prepared on site
  • Vegetarian menu options are available daily
  • Clear signage for customers of menus at point of sale to inform customers
  • Advertise and promote healthy options such as the introduction of the Godeli Salad Counter.
  • Meal deals to encourage healthy eating such as “free upgrade or complimentary salad pot”


Our suppliers are nominated and regulated through our membership of TUCO (The University Caterers Organisation) or via local university contracts.

  • All suppliers have been verified to ensure they apply appropriate food safety standards.
  • We make decisions based on a balance between economic, social and environmental factors to achieve best value for money.
  • TUCO work with suppliers to encourage better processes and improvements to the supply chain and the products and services supplied.
  • We continue to develop the use of fair trade and other ethically traded products.
  • We encourage local and regional suppliers to bid for supply agreements.


  • We aim to be accredited by Spring/Summer 2014 to use the MSC eco-logo on menus.
  • On Soil Association friendly menus we exclude all fish species identified as most at risk by the Marine Conservation Society, and only use fish from sustainable sources, such as those accredited by the Marine Stewardship Council.
  • We will not purchase tinned tuna which has been caught using nets.

Meat and dairy

  • We will only use meat from sources which satisfy UK welfare standards, whom offer full traceability on products.
  • Milk is supplied by a local dairy using milk from local farms only.
  • Since January 2015 we have used organic milk in all areas of service and food preparation.
  • From March 2015 we have introduced a number of free range and Organic meat dishes.

Fruit and vegetables

  • We will ensure our menus reflect the seasons. We aim to purchase Red Tractor fruit and vegetables wherever possible. We purchase from a supplier offering full traceability on the provenance of vegetables and fruit.
  • We promote national campaigns such as 5 a day and Green Week.
  • Fresh fruit and salad counter available in the Common Room Kitchen. 


  • We will only use free range eggs supplied locally.

Undesirable Additives

  • Wherever possible, we will not use additives as listed on the Soil Association undesirable additives list.
  • We will not use hydrogenated vegetable oil in our fryers.
  • We will not use products containing genetically modified (GM) ingredients.


  • We have mains-fed water fountains in main staff / student areas.
  • In Hospitality, the carbon footprint is minimized through using our own in-house water bottling system.


  • Having achieved University Fairtrade status we continue to be part of the University Fairtrade steering group and remain committed to the Fairtrade Foundation goals.
  • We undertake to continue to provide as wide a range of Fairtrade products as possible and review as more become available.
  • We actively support Fairtrade Fortnight activities offering promotions to promote awareness of the products offered on site.


  • All staff will hold food safety qualifications at a level relevant to their post.
  • All staff will be trained in food sustainability.
  • Catering Managers will be trained to cover the principles surrounding seasonality, carbon reduction and general awareness of environmental and health issues.


  • Recycling stations are available throughout catering outlets and across campuses.
  • Waste cooking oil is collected by a registered company for recycling.
  • Cardboard from packaging is collected for recycling.
  • Food packaging and cups are recyclable.
  • We continue to offer a discount scheme for hot drinks served from own mugs / University flasks within outlets. We also promote a “cup for life” scheme that reduces the dependence on disposal cups.
  • Food wastage is collected weekly by the University’s waste management contractor and taken to a local anaerobic digestion plant where it is used to generate compost.


  • Suppliers are kept to a minimum.
  • Daily deliveries only take place where necessary e.g. from fruit and vegetable suppliers.





When was the last time you had Shetland black potatoes served on your plate? What about white carrots, Bulgarian giant leeks or exploding cucumbers?

Chances are you've never even seen these varieties of vegetables, let alone tasted them!

Apley Estate are just minutes away by car. Hidden away on the estate since the 18th century is the four-acre plot, the Walled Gardens. Although neglected for 50 years the Walled Gardens are now being restored, overseen by the head gardener Phil Allen.

Apley Estate grows many old varieties of fruit and vegetables and the aim is to sell interesting and unusual varieties of fruit and vegetables in the Apley Farm Shop.

The Apley estate is near Bridgnorth and is owned by Lord and Lady Hamilton who say they are keen for consumers to have a wider choice of fresh produce than is currently available in the supermarkets.

Head gardener Phil Allen has a wealth of experience, including being gardener for Prince Charles on the Highgrove estate!

For information about the Awards that we have won please view the main awards page for the full details.