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Challenge Academy Privacy Notice

Who we are

The University of Wolverhampton (‘we’ or ’us’) are a ‘Data Controller’ for the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation (including the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation) and we are responsible for, and control the processing of, your personal information.

Your Privacy

We are committed to protecting your privacy. This notice explains how the University and Challenge Academy collect and process your personal information for employability purposes.

Information We Collect

We obtain personal information about you from the following sources:

a)      The University Group:

  1. Upon registration, your personal information may be transferred from the University’s central database(s) to our local database.

b)      Information provided by you:

  1. You provided personal information upon registration with Challenge Academy, whether, online or in person;
  2. You provided your personal information through one of our websites, i.e. as part of competitions, volunteering or other events;
  3. Completed and/or returned surveys or response/feedback forms such as contact preference forms, Gift Aid forms, including by mail and via electronic means;
  4. Registered to attend an event;
  5. Registered an interest to volunteer at any future events;
  6. You provided personal information as part of discussions with any of our team or representatives

c)      Third party sources:

  1. such as organisations that assist the University of Wolverhampton in pursuing the purposes described below, media articles, company or charity registers and filings, and other sources available to the public at large, such as the world wide web.

We may process the following personal information about you:

a)    your title, full name (including former name or alias), gender, date of birth;

b)    your education record (Degree and Award details, Year of study and graduation);

c)     your contact information (home/term time address, telephone number(s), email address);

d)    your business details, including positions, organisation, professional memberships and qualifications;

e)     your career highlights and other lifetime achievements;

f)      your outside interests and memberships;

g)     your financial information (including your bank/building society details);

h)     information available through the media or the world wide web;

i)      your family/next of kin details, including your spouse/partner;

j)      your donations of time, expertise or monetary value; and/or

k)     other information you share with us.

Personal information we collect about you may include “special categories” data, such as information about your racial or ethnic origin, religious or other beliefs, physical or mental health and criminal offences/proceedings. “Special categories” data would only be processed where you have provided it yourself (with your consent), for example during discussions with any of our representatives or where such is recorded for the purposes of assessing accessibility requirements arising as a result of a disability, or where this information has already been made public or processing is required by law.

The University of Wolverhampton uses cookies to improve the content and experience of its website users, but rest assured that these do not allow for us to identify you personally. More information on how to manage cookies can be found here.

How We Use Your Data

The Challenge Academy will provide a consultancy network of students who undertake short-term projects on behalf of businesses, and will boost students’ career prospects with real life business experience. We collect personal information to enable us to deliver these services and to better understand our community so that we can better meet your needs and improve our services.

We may process your personal information for the following purposes:

a)      Administrative purposes:

  1. to verify your identity/account and provide you with a personalised experience upon your registration with the University of Wolverhampton;
  2. event registration;
  3. to process and organise any volunteering activities you have agreed  to undertake/shown an interest in undertaking;
  4. to keep a record of communications between us; and/or

b)       Research

We may carry out further data research independently or with third parties to assess your likelihood of contributing towards widening the charitable purposes of the University by way of time, expertise or monetary value. This may include collection and storage of additional information about you, where such is available in the public domain, such as career history, directorship, shareholding and/or remuneration, in addition to the data which we already hold or has been provided by you.

If you would like to opt-out of the above Research activities, please let us know. See ‘How to Contact Us’ below for further information.

c)      Wealth Screening

We may carry out wealth screening exercises independently or with approved third party analysts. Wealth screening is used to identify high profile/net worth individuals on our database, who may be interested in supporting the University by way of philanthropic gift(s) for the enhancement of University’s charitable purposes, drawing entirely on data available to the public at large.

If you would like to opt-out of the above Wealth Screening activities, please let us know. See ‘How to Contact Us’ below for further information.

d)     Automated decision making and Profiling

The University of Wolverhampton may use modelling tools to enable us to automatically process your information, which in turn allows us to assess the likelihood of your involvement in alumni activities by way of time, expertise and/or monetary contribution/gift. We use your information to identify the level of our alumni engagement in University activities, and help determine that our communications, including volunteering and fundraising requests, are relevant and of interest to you.

If you would like to opt-out of the above activity, please let us know. See ‘How to Contact Us’ below for further information.

e)      Due Diligence

Should you choose to make a gift or donation to the University, we may process your personal information for due diligence purposes and in line with our Corporate Fundraising Policy.

f)       Communications

We may, from time to time, contact you by email, post or telephone to pursue the purposes mentioned above and in particular for the following reasons:

  1. To keep you up to date with events and activities at the University of Wolverhampton;
  2. To share news and achievements of the University and its staff/student body, including research and services;
  3. Invite you to events, which may be of interest to you;
  4. Invite you to support our fundraising activities;
  5. Invite you to volunteer at the University, including mentoring schemes and career advice; or
  6. To keep you up to date with other relevant information, which we think may be of interest to you]

If you would like to opt-out of the above Communications, please let us know. See ‘How to Contact Us’ below for further information.

Who your information may be shared with

Your personal information is held securely on a database. We may disclose your personal data to other companies within our group, third parties working in partnership or on behalf of the University, and/or Government Agencies where required to do so by law.

We do not transfer your personal information to third parties outside the EEA or to territories without adequate levels of protection. Where personal data is processed by a third party, we take reasonable steps to ensure that the data is processed strictly according to the instructions of the University, for the relevant purposes only and securely destroyed or returned upon completion/termination. We take reasonable steps to ensure that third party processors are subject to written legal obligations in respect of data protection and the duty of confidentiality.

We do not sell or rent any personal information or data supplied by you. We may compile aggregate statistics and provide them to third parties, but we do not include personal information that identifies individual users.


We may retain your personal information for as long as necessary and in line with our statutory/regulatory obligations where appropriate.

If you wish to request for any of your records to be removed from our databases, or would like to opt-out of any or all communications from the University of Wolverhampton, please see ‘How to Contact Us’ and ‘Rights of Data Subjects’ below for further information.

Rights of Data Subjects

a)      Right to request a copy of your information

You can request a copy of your information which we hold (this is known as a subject access request). If you would like a copy of some or all of it, please visit the University of Wolverhampton Data Protection web pages available here.

b)      Right to correct mistakes in your information

You can require us to correct any mistakes in your information which we hold free of charge. If you would like to do so, please write to us (see ‘Contact Us’ below) and provide us with enough information to identify you, as well as inform us of the information that is incorrect and what it should be replaced with.

c)      Right to ask us to stop contacting you with direct marketing

If you would like to amend your mailing subscriptions or unsubscribe from the University of Wolverhampton Challenge Academy you can do so by emailing 

Lawful basis for processing

The University may rely on one or multiple grounds for processing your personal data including:

a)      You have provided consent for the processing;

b)      There is a contractual commitment to provide the services and, therefore, processing is necessary to meet those contractual obligations;

c)      Supporting the work of Challenge Academy is in the public interest, in particular, allowing for the enhancement of the University’s charitable purposes and the subsequent benefits to society;

d)     The information is available to the public at large; and/or

e)      The processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests of the University or other third parties and does not affect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individuals concerned.

How to Contact Us

Should you have any queries, suggestions or issues please do not hesitate to contact the Challenge Academy office on 01902 323 704, or you can write to us at the following address:

Challenge Academy

Mary Seacole Building

Nursery Street



West Midlands


If you have any concerns or believe that your personal information is being handled in a manner which is contrary to statutory requirements, you may wish to contact the University of Wolverhampton’s Data Protection Officer via or complain to the ICO via

Revisions to the Privacy Policy

We may revise this privacy policy at any time in response to changes in the law or other factors. We encourage you to periodically visit this page to review the most current policy, or obtain a copy by contacting us directly.