Bodywork and Integration: Impact Attenuator
To critically assess the functionality of the Impact Attenuator arrester device, a small cluster of the honeycomb cross-section was modelled within SolidWorks, then run through static structural analysis using ANSYS software.
The concept shown incorporates diamond-shaped cut-outs along the walls of the arrester, as an attempt to improve the compression characteristics of the design, per the recommendation of University of Wolverhampton, Professor Mark Stanford.
The figure pictured above represents the total deformation experienced by the model when the calculated crushing force is applied to the front face of the arrester structure, simulating the effect of a front impact occurring.
The second figure above employs the same input to provide a visualisation of the of the maximum shear stresses experienced across the length of the arrester device.
This method of analysis was also completed on comparable concepts, as an attempt to identify the optimum designs, which will now allow us to print the structures for physical, compression tests and, if successful, the impact testing required to satisfy the FSAE regulations.
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