Online Distance Learning with the Faculty of Science and Engineering

On this page you will find supplementary information for each of our Online and Distance Learning courses, including whether there are any on-campus requirements. Please refer to the main Distance Learning homepage for general information and advice about becoming a distance learner.

This short course runs over one Semester and starts in October. It is designed to prepare the student for their licentiate interview with the Institute of Clerks of Works Construction Inspectorate (ICWCI) or alternatively, for existing members, it offers the opportunity to create a portfolio of work which can be used as evidence when applying for full membership. There is no requirement to come to campus or attend an examination centre for the duration of this course.


More details of this course are available on the Course Finder page.

This innovative programme offers a multi-disciplinary, practice-based approach toward offsite housing construction. This course is specifically designed to address national, European and international market needs for delivering houses faster without compromising quality using innovative and modern methods of construction. Find out more.


The course aims to meet the growing need within the built environment sector for professionals with a thorough understanding of the management of construction processes from inception to completion. Find out more.


Faculty Applicant Queries

Tel: +44 (0)1902 321402



STaR Office (Student Centre for Online Distance Learning Students)

Ms K Stokes

Tel: +44 (0)1902 323403



Faculty Online and Distance Administrator

Rosalind Boden

Tel: +44 (0)1902 322723



Other Faculty contacts can be found in the relevant Course Guides.