*** Following the DfE review of SKE, these courses in Summer 2021 will only be available to University of Wolverhampton PGCE applicants who have SKE as part of their conditional offer. Unfortunately they will not be available to applicants with a PGCE from another training provider ***
These courses are designed for applicants who have been offered, or are hoping to gain, a place on a postgraduate Secondary Education Initial Teacher Training (ITT) course in England. SKE programmes are designed for ITT candidates to gain the depth of knowledge needed to train to teach their chosen subject. At interview, your subject knowledge will be assessed and, if you need it, you will be offered a place on a course to develop the subject-specific content that you will require.
All funded SKE courses are planned on a programme of 25 hours (FTE) per week. This has been a mix of face-to-face and blended/distance learning.
Fully Funded Subject Knowledge Enhancement Courses |
These are available to University Secondary Initial Teacher Education applicants with an offer to start their teacher training in September 2021. We offer courses in the following subjects: |
Biology Chemistry Computing English Mathematics Modern Foreign Languages (French and Spanish courses) Physics |
There is no charge for any of the above courses, and a DfE bursary is payable to eligible participants. |
Am I eligible for a SKE course?
To be eligible trainees must:
- Not already hold qualified teacher status.
- Have agreement from their Initial Teacher Training (ITT) provider that they should attend. (i.e. it needs to be a condition of a PGCE offer).
NB: ITT candidates who have a degree in their chosen ITT subject awarded in the previous 5 years are not eligible for SKE.
An DfE bursary is payable to participants if eligible. This is currently £175 per week. For further information, please visit the following DfE pages Subject Knowledge Enhancement: an Introduction and Get into Teaching.
(Please note those with a 3rd class or ordinary degree are not eligible for a bursary and no bursary funding can be paid until the final degree grade is confirmed and verified.)
Bursary payments are made monthly with the first month in arrears.
Booster Courses
To be eligible for a booster course you need to have a PGCE offer.
Short Booster Courses (Non-Funded) |
These are shorter courses designed to target specific aspects of subject knowledge in a very intensive manner. They are designed for those who already have substantial subject knowledge but need to address particular areas. |
These involve a charge and do not carry a bursary. No Booster Courses are currently planned for Summer 2021. |
For all enquiries please e-mail the SKE Administrator at ske@wlv.ac.uk