Well done on successfully completing your initial teacher education studies at the University of Wolverhampton. This is a huge achievement and we hope you are as proud as we are.
Through your initial teacher training at the University of Wolverhampton we provided you with an experience that helps build firm foundations for a successful career. As alumni, we remain committed to supporting you during the early stages of your career as an Early Career Teacher (ECT).
Your initial teacher education provided the knowledge, understanding and connections that will prove valuable during your career. As reflective professionals we hope you continue to harness and cultivate the core aspects of teaching and learning developed on your course. You invested heavily in your ITT programme with us, both financial and with regards the amount of time and personal sacrifices made. We see part of our responsibility to be supporting your continued development.
Members of our initial teacher training teams have dedicated time to help you with individual support, guidance and professional development opportunities. During 2022/23 we are offering ECT Meets, one to one support, job application guidance, suggested courses and the chance to feedback to our ITT steering body on your experiences in school thus far.
We're committed to supporting you in this transition and we are available talk with you about what you have covered within your ITE course. On completion of your programme we send clear targets to your employing school so that they understand your career starting point. We can also help you to understand how to access masters’ study and how this could benefit your long term aspirations.
From Sept 2021 the Early Career framework rolled out throughout England. This replaced the NQT induction year with a two year package of support for ECTs.
This Early Career Framework (ECF) is a development from the Department for Education. It offers a framework and resources to support newly qualified teachers and their mentors. The programme is a core component of DfE plans to increase retention of early career teachers. This webinar provides a detailed overview of the ECF and is led by key members of staff from areas involved in the pilot ECF in 2019-20.
As an ECT from Sept 2021 you will undertake your induction period over two years. This Early Career Framework (ECF) is the structure that enables you to continue to develop your practice. ECF materials focus on Behaviour Management, Pedagogy, Curriculum, Assessment and Professional Behaviours and mirror those of the core content framework on which your teacher training programme was based. The ECF includes additional support, access to a funded trained mentor, and additional CPD opportunities. There are increases to non-contact time for ECTs and this extends into the second year. Your employer will manager your engagement with the ECF and this should be a key component of early conversations once appointed to a post. The DFE published further guidance on the national roll-out of the early career framework March 2021.
The primary team at the University of Wolverhampton is here to help your transition to the school workplace. Your ECT school mentor will provide everyday help and guidance but remember that we are also here to guide you with appropriate aspects of your teaching activity. We can also provide a listening ear, advice and encouragement.
These pages also provide an overview of useful websites, links to professional bodies and copies of national guidance documentation that will prove useful during this crucial period.
Key Information
Presently, ECTs complete an induction period of a year, this is usually completed during their first teaching appointment. ECT arrangements for the Year 2020-2021 can be found here . The DfE’s statutory current guidance provides a detailed overview of the ECT process up until Sept 2021 and provides answers to most questions that arise.
The ITT team at the University of Wolverhampton is here to help your transition to the school workplace. Your NQT school mentor will provide everyday help and guidance but remember that we are here to guide you with appropriate aspects of your teaching activity. We can also provide a listening ear, advice and encouragement.
These pages also provide an overview of useful websites, links to professional bodies and copies of national guidance documentation that will prove useful during this crucial period.
- Further study at The University of Wolverhampton
- Guidance for NQTs - A One Stop Shop
- NQT Teacher Network
- Behaviour Management Tips
- Professional Association guidance for NQTs
- Careers Support
- Further study at The University of Wolverhampton
- Sign Up to receive a weekly update
- Mr T's NQT support
- Guidance on finding a teaching post
As part of our on-going commitment to our alumni, we actively track the onward path of our trainees. Please let us know your current school, contact details and how you are getting on with your career! The following contact details will also connect you with familiar faces should you need to talk.
Primary NQT Officer – andrewhutchinson@wlv.ac.uk
Secondary NQT Officer –b.myers@wlv.ac.uk
Ensure that you are clear of your role and responsibilities as a ECT. Understand your job description and consider the roles and responsibilities of colleagues such as your ECT mentor, headteacher, governors and your appropriate body. Read and understand the statutory guidance for your induction period and note details that you need to discuss.
Once appointed you should visit your school and begin to communicate with your ECT mentor. Many school policies will be available via the school website and a staff handbook will contain useful procedural information. Try to access existing medium term planning documentation and build a picture of the themes you may be required to teach. When possible, share your ECT Passport with your mentor as this will inform the initial steps of your induction.
Assessment of your practice during your induction period is similar to those when undertaking your training but with higher expectations.
The Teachers’ Standards remain the criteria against which you are assessed. Regular monitoring, classroom observations and discussion with your mentor, allow your progress to be regularly reviewed. The induction period allows you to raise your proficiency even further, so the teacher standards are consistently met and exceeded during your everyday practice. The school, usually in partnership with an “appropriate body”, such as a local authority or one of 6 providers accredited by the Department for Education will specify how your progress is documented and reviewed and your training needs met.
Sometimes ECTs undertake their induction period in more than one setting. Currently, an ECT may complete their year in one school, then he second in another. Partial terms cannot count in this process. Employing schools register the ECT and support them through the period of the statutory induction. Detailed guidance on the ECT, providers and the University of Wolverhampton’s involvement in this process can be found here.