Welcome to the Practice Learning Website
Practice learning is an integral part of professional programmes. We aim to offer a range of experiences in a variety of settings to prepare future health and social care professionals who are fit for purpose and practice. We value the relationships with our practice colleagues who are involved in many aspects of the programme, and who make a significant contribution to supporting learning and assessment in practice.
This website has been created as a resource to support practice learning for nursing, midwifery, social work, education (both Primary and Secondary) and other allied health professional students and staff to support practice learning. It will also be of interest to students on other health and social care programmes who have practice learning assessment as part of their programme.
The website is designed, so that programme specific information and resources can be accessed from dedicated pages for students and practice staff. The website also contains useful links to external organisations and general information relevant to all programmes.
Placements are administered by the External Partnerships, which is a small team of administrative staff based in the Faculty. If you have any comments/ideas about how we could improve this site, or have any information that you think should be here, then please email us at FEHWExternalPartnerships@wlv.ac.uk