Service User and Carer Involvement at The University of Wolverhampton

The Faculty of Education Health and Wellbeing is proud of its’ ever growing reputation for service user and carer involvement.

Founded on our strategy called “Shared experiences, learning together” which was launched in 2010, we have firmly embedded service user and carer involvement across all professional programmes in health and social care.

As a Higher Educational Institute the university trains health and social care professionals of the future for local health trusts, local authorities and care providers. Through the strategy it is aiming to harness the experiences of service users and carers to help develop critical, reflective and innovative social work and healthcare practitioners that are able to respond to the changing needs of service users and their carers both now and in the future.We  believe the foundations are now in place to deliver this strategy and help make a difference to the experience of service users and carers in the future by drawing on their real life experiences in the education of our students.

Overview of SUCCESS

Commended by the Nursing and Midwifery Council and recognised by the Health and Care Professions Council in validations the Faculty of Education Health and Wellbeing is firmly committed to building on these considerable achievements. Working alongside SUCCESS is our RESULT group which has a more specific focus on research led by service users and carers. Futhermore some of our SUCCESS members sit on the Social Work Hub Group.

People who use health and social care services are often referred to as service users, carers, patients and members of the public. Some people recognise these terms whilst others choose to refer to themselves in other ways. We acknowledge that different words find favour and criticism in equal measure and that one term may not necessarily strike a chord with the views of all groups. However, for consistency throughout these web pages we have used the term 'service users and carers' to represent the whole spectrum of people involved.

These webpages are intended to provide information about the involvement of service users and carers across the Faculty and wider, guidance on best practice and feedback and evaluation of involvement.

The service user and carer group felt that having a discreet identity was important as part of its’ development strategy and the group came up with the name Service Users and Carers Contributing to Educating Students for Services.

This very aptly forms the acronym SUCCESS and recognises the contribution that service users and carers make to the success of the Faculty. This name is now widely known and established throughout the Faculty as being synonymous with service user and carer involvement and engagement within the Faculty.

Naming the group SUCCESS has helped to develop a team ethos within the group, raised its’ profile quite considerably and given a greater feeling of equality to team members when introducing themselves as members of the SUCCESS group.


The SUCCESS group is made up of  service users and carers with a variety of health conditions and experiences of health and care services.

Each experience provides a unique and valuable contribution to the enrichment of our students learning.

We have also developed partnerships with organisations that advocate for service users and carers. These partnerships enable us to access the voices of people that are seldom heard such as looked after children, care leavers and people with learning disabilities.

The group is led by the SUCCESS staff team (2 members).

• Our involvement is planned so that the contributions made meaningful, respectful and valued.

• We help to develop, promote and share best practice for the involvement of service users and carers in health and social care education and research particularly where it is a professional requirement.

• We develop partnerships with external organisations that are advocates for service users and carers to support our work.


We value the contribution that service users and carers make to the education of health and social care professionals to ensure that they are fit for practice and that they always act in the best interests of the service user.  We will endeavour to work in 'co-productive' partnerships with service users and carers through our SUCCESS group to enhance the quality of health and social care courses and thereby improve the overall student experience.

Co-production is about developing more equal partnerships between people who use services, carers and professional (Social care institute for excellence). 

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