Owen Lunt
- Course BA (Hons) Film and TV Production
- LuntFilms@outlook.com
- https://www.instagram.com/owen_lunt_/
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/owen-lunt-808979236/
"Since 2020, Owen Lunt has been partaking in numerous projects to build a wide arrangement of skills to become a valuable team member. He is passionate about storytelling in media and has a hobby of music and video games, he is incredibly proud of all his independent work so far and is most proud in his ability to create a strong team and work environment to create the best film possible. His highlights so far is being a set runner and extra in the upcoming short film The Sikh Soldier (Dir.Joseph Archer & Sky Cheema) and directing his own short film, Alone Together."
Hello, my name is Owen Lunt and I have written, produced and directed a short film called Alone Together.
It is a tensional, survival short film about what morals stand for when society collapses and what it truly means to lose everything. The story focuses on a young woman called Hannah who gets trapped in a room for weeks who is then rescued by her enemy, she gets put to the test by an experienced yet untrustworthy survivor called Charlotte in a tense life or death dispute. After the discovery that Charlotte is from the very same group that killed her family. The films follows her struggle with this and learning that the key to surviving alone is to know who to trust and who to kill, as the most powerful weapon of all in this world is deception.
My name is Owen Lunt and my film is Alone Together.
Degree Show 2023: Film & TV Production and Multimedia Journalism
Ben Jessup / Jack Thompson / Jade Stuart / Lauren Langton / Katie V. Fullard / Owen Lunt / Thomas Adam Jones