Maria Ghaffarian

"Maria is a passionate fashion designer and mother of two who has a deep love for family and fashion. Her brand, BENYUSY, is named after her two children, blending their names together in a unique and meaningful way. As someone who is always seeking to learn new skills, Maria is constantly exploring new ideas and methods in her work. She has a particular interest in the practical and functional aspects of fashion design, and loves creating pieces that are both beautiful and wearable. Maria draws inspiration from the natural world and is committed to respecting and preserving the environment. She is always looking for ways to incorporate sustainable and eco-friendly practices into her work. With a keen eye for trends and a dedication to her craft, Maria is constantly pushing the boundaries of fashion and exploring new techniques and materials. Whether she is designing for the runway or for everyday wear, Maria's designs are always infused with her unique perspective and creativity. Overall, Maria's love for fashion and family is reflected in every aspect of her work, and her commitment to innovation and sustainability make her a true leader in the fashion world."

Hello, my name is Maria, and I am a skilled designer who places a great emphasis on user experience. I am passionate about creating interactive, visually appealing, and user-friendly experiences. By developing innovative and unique designs tailored to the user's needs, I strive to enhance the functionality, usability, aesthetics, and cost-effectiveness of every product I produce. I am committed to continuously improving my designs by staying current with industry trends and best practices, and by seeking feedback from users and stakeholders.

As a fashion designer, I am passionate about creating designs that are inspired by nature. My collection is broadly based on the concept of nature, specifically focusing on the creation of nature in terms of the ‘Big Bang ‘. This idea has led me to reflect on the power of nature and the belief in ‘mother nature ‘throughout history, particularly the strength of female exemplars like Queen Boudicca, Elizabeth I, Catherine Medici, Emily Pankhurst, and Elizabeth II. In my designs, I draw inspiration from the big bang and black holes, as well as the power of nature. The use of circles and circular voids is a prominent theme in my collection, as I recognize that nature is predominantly formed from organic shapes and less from straight lines. I am fascinated by the formation of flowers, their growth, shape, colour, texture, and perfection, and these elements often find their way into my designs. My collection includes garments for special occasions, such as coming-out dresses for debutantes, that reflect the blooming of nature and the blooming of youth. I believe that my designs capture the essence of nature and the power and beauty that it embodies. Through my work as a fashion designer, I hope to inspire others to appreciate and celebrate the wonder of nature.

My portfolio

Degree Show 2023: Fashion, Textiles and Surface Pattern, Interior Design and Product Design

Ashley Smith / Bethany Wilcox / Faith Evans / Maria Ghaffarian / Ruth Elle Price / Saffron Kelly