James David Banks
- Course BA (Hons) Photography
- jamesdbanks@btinternet.com
- https://www.instagram.com/james_dbanksphoto/
"James Banks is a photographer who primarily works with alternative processes, primarily film, to capture the world he sees around him. He is defined by his dedication to the mastery of film in all aspects, from being able to use any camera he can ever get his hands on, to printing on high quality paper in the darkroom to achieve the full potential of his image."
My work came about during feelings of dread and anxiety caused by the threat of nuclear war rearing its head in the media and public consciousness. While I progressed through the project, what decided if an image would be used or not was heavily based on weather or not it felt right to me; entire rolls of images shot specifically for the project ended up unused, whereas images that were captured by being at the right place at the right time stirred the right kind of emotion, which would never have been taken if at that time I didn't have a camera, and a feeling I should take the picture
Degree Show 2023: Graphic Design, Illustration and Photography
Abbigail Witts / Beth Smallwood / Charlotte Roylance / Charlotte Webb / Dylan Shane / Ebony Golder / Ella Kimberley / Eve Whitfield / Grace Chaplain / James David Banks / Logan Peters / Megan Nelson / Natalie Jones / Rachel Doswell / Sam Wainwright / Valerie Woolford / Vicky Crowther