Faith Evans
- Course BA (Hons) Textiles and Surface Pattern
"I have always had a love and passion for all things floral. From a pretty dress to wallpaper, I am always inspired by the world around me and want to use my imagination to create something unique and beautiful. I have created a range of work throughout my university experience for a number of different projects such as entering Bradford Textiles Competition 2023. In my spare time I volunteer at a cats protection, embroider and over the next academic year I will be training to be a secondary school teacher."
Design is always evolving with new technologies, new ideas and alternative approaches to previous projects. My final major project incapsulates the idea that design may never end, from using my own work as an archive to experimenting with methods outside my comfort zone. Constantly evolving my work and creating new from something I have done previously always evolving and improving on what I can do and what can be done.
Degree Show 2023: Textiles & Surface Pattern
Ashley Smith / Bethany Wilcox / Faith Evans / Maria Ghaffarian / Ruth Elle Price / Saffron Kelly