Emily Edwards
- Course BA (Hons) Fine Art
- emily.edwards01@hotmail.com
- https://emilyedwards01.wixsite.com/emilyedwards
"Emily Edwards’ artwork ranges in mediums, from painting, photography, and sculpture that aim to capture the essence of liminal space in all it’s varying forms, displaying how this concept impacts our lives, and how Looking at and recognising liminal spaces can change our perspectives and perceptions."
Emily Edwards’ artwork revolves around the exploration of liminal spaces - the transitional spaces that exist between one state and another. These spaces, whether physical or psychological, offer a unique opportunity to reflect on the nature of change and transformation.
Liminal spaces can oftentimes feel nostalgic and dream-like, in some of Edwards’ work she captures these elements, taking some inspiration from dreams. Whilst some of these spaces may have a nostalgic, sometimes childlike feel, they can contrastingly or even simultaneously have an extremely dark and ambiguous aura about them. Each piece is created with the intention of inspiring contemplation and reflection on the often-overlooked spaces that exist all around us, all of the time, existing on the threshold of change.
Overall, Edwards’ artwork aims to encapsulate and uncover the many forms liminal space takes in life whether that be physical, emotional, or metaphorical. Hoping to inspire viewers to pause, reflect, find beauty, comfort, and even discomfort in these spaces that reside in perfect impermanence, recognise and embrace these spaces.
Degree Show 2023: Fine Art, Glass & Ceramics
Beth Abbey / Ella Satterthwaite / Elle Costin / Emily Edwards / Emily Grant / Emma-Jade Curley / Gail Ursula Cochrane / Isabelle Llewellyn / Jessica Cadden / Libbie Longville / Níamh Reynolds / Rebecca Burns / Rose Thomas / Tamla Pearce