Saluting our Sisters
Wednesday 4 October | 9-15am - 3.00pm Honouring the contributions made to society by people of Black heritage.
We are embracing Black History Month beyond the confines of a single month. Our intention is for Black History Month to transcend seasonality and 'tokenism’ so that the original initiative itself is eventually no longer required. This is an ambitious but wholly worthwhile target because we believe that such historiographical engagement lays the foundation for decolonising euro-centric and hegemonic/dominant History. In short, we are working towards a longer-term goal to rebalance the asymmetrical relationship between ‘Black History’ and ‘History’.
Our Black History Month logo was designed by Graphic Design graduate Martin Stewart.
Rich Fann: American Higher Education's approach to Inclusivity / Elsie Gayle: How The Windrush Generation Helped Build The NHS / Machel St Patrick Hewitt: West Indian Cricket Culture in the 21st Century British Context / Rich Fann: Black Representation Beyond Black History Month / Ifemu Omari Webber: This Book Was Not Meant For Us - A Fresh Look at the History of Mary Prince / Reece McKenzie and Daniel Williams: Black Representation in Musical Theatre / Elizabeth Ivwurie: Cultural Appropriation in the Film, Music and Fashion Creative Industries
In Conversation with Roy McFarlane / Restoring the lost history of Black theatre performers in the West Midlands 1900 – 1950 / Daliso Chaponda Joking about Race, Politics and Your Lovelife without Offending People, Getting Cancelled or Arrested or Divorced / Remembering Paulette Wilson / In Conversation: Dr Max Stewart and Glass Artist Chris Day / From Volunteer to CEO, Marcia Lewinson discusses the challenges facing women of colour / We Want Our Bodies Back – Jessica Care Moore / Windrush Generation Experiences Online, Talk and Q&A /100 Greatest Black Britons: Patrick Vernon / The Whip: In conversation with Juliet Gilkes-Romero
UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) is an annual event creating a platform to focus on the history of disabled people's struggle for equality and human rights.
LGBT+ History Month is a month-long annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and non-binary history, including the history of LGBT+ rights and related civil rights movements.