Your Future: Fashion and Textile Careers

Artsfest Artsfest 2021 / Your Future: Fashion and Textile Careers

We are the fashion and textiles department at the School of Art at the University of Wolverhampton. We work with an incredibly diverse group of students who aspire to run their own businesses and work in a wide range of roles across the fashion and textiles industries.

Three industry leaders have been invited to inspire our current and future graduates by sharing their journey through fashion and textiles careers, and talking about where the industry is today and what might happen next. The last year has been challenging for everyone, and it has been especially challenging for our students whose first love is to be in the studio and workshops designing and making. Every day we are impressed with the tenacity and perseverance of our students as they journey towards graduation ready to emerge into a rapidly changing industry. Our speakers have been chosen to represent a variety of expertise across the fashion and textiles sectors and to give us an up-to-date insight into what opportunities are on the horizon.

This event is open to all, this is an inclusive event – we welcome everyone who is interested in careers in the fashion and textiles industries and the current state of the industry, whatever stage of your education or professional experience.


Fazane Fox

Fazane is the owner of The Production Lab where her team helps start-ups create their first collection, supports fashion designers to develop high-quality, mass-produced commercial products in the UK and enables established brands to upscale their production offshore.

Eileen Gleeson

Eileen is the owner of Design Union Print Studio where her team of textile designers create inspiring contemporary print designs for fashion and interiors.

Oli Royce

Oli has previously worked with Speedo International, he is now Head of Design at Gymshark.

Artsfest 2021

September 2021 Recordings:


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