Unit 5: Disseminating your research

R44: Networking Skills

Networking can be a powerful tool in raising awareness of your research. For most of us the word ‘networking’ shoots fear into the very essence of our being.  This workshop aims to encourage you to be confident in networking situations and to overcome your fears.  It will get you into that room with less stress and more confidence.

Facilitator: Dr Debra Cureton and Dr Ben Halligan, Doctoral College.

 R44 Networking Skills and R45 Using social media to disseminate your research (blogging/vlogging), are scheduled to run consecutively on the same days. To book use the Eventbrite link which will register you for all sessions, although you are at liberty to drop in and out of sessions as required. The times below refer to this session only.

Date  Time Venue Booking 
Monday 6th November, 2023 9am - 10am  Online  Eventbrite Link
Thursday 25th April, 2024 1pm - 2pm Online Eventbrite Link


Vitae RDF descriptors addressed in this session are:

Personal effectiveness (B)
This domain contains the personal qualities, career and self-management skills required to take ownership for and control of professional development.

  • Professional and career development (B3)