Unit 5: Disseminating your research

R39: Engaging the public in your research *NEW*

Public engagement has in recent years become central to the research agenda. The ability to share your research effectively with non-experts has become an increasingly important skill for a researcher to develop. 

The presentation will look at how research is used to engage the public. We will look at how ideas were developed and the importance of asking the likely users of the research what they think. We will look at the methods used to gather data, how feedback is provided. We will look at engagement with the media. Below are some weblinks to use, the video by Michael Johnson which we were part of, a journal article, and a photo from Sky TV



Can You Compete Under Pressure? - BBC Lab UK - YouTube



Facilitator: TBC

Date Time VenueBooking


Vitae RDF descriptors addressed in this session are:

Personal effectiveness (B)
This domain contains the personal qualities, career and self-management skills required to take ownership for and control of professional development.

  • Professional and career development (B3)

Engagement, influence and impact (D)
This domain contains the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage with, influence and impact on the academic, social, cultural and economic context.

  • Communication and dissemination (D2)
  • Engagement and impact (D3)