Unit 3: Foundations for Conducting Research

R28: An Introduction to Ethnography

Ethnographic research usually involves observing target users in their natural, real-world setting, rather than in the artificial environment of a lab or focus group. The aim is to gather insight into how people live; what they do; how they use things; or what they need in their everyday or professional lives. (Gov.uk)

The workshop will cover:

  • The background to ethnography
  • Discussions on how it can be done (participant observations and the different levels of this)
  • Making writing field notes
  • Engaging with participants and informants and linking to semi-structured interviews  
  • Real life examples


Date Time Venue Booking
TBC TBC Online Eventbrite Link to follow


Vitae RDF descriptors addressed in this session are:

Knowledge and intellectual abilities (A)
This domain contains the knowledge and intellectual abilities needed to be able to carry out excellent research.

  • Knowledge base (A1)
  • Cognitive abilities (A2)