Unit 1: Finding your feet as a researcher

Academic English Language Skills 


Want to improve your academic English?

This  service is available to all research students for whom English is not their first language.  Most enquiries we receive are about writing but we can also help with other aspects – for example if someone is attending a conference and wants to brush up on their presentation skills. 

We can help to resolve any grammar problems, advise on paraphrasing, summarising and synthesising texts, becoming more ‘critical’, referencing and many other issues

Facilitator: Postgraduate Academic English Language Development Team

For an appointment, please visit our booking page. Appointment lengths are scheduled with UG/PGT students in mind; if you would like a longer consultation (up to one hour), please specify this on the booking form and we will do our best to accommodate your request.  


Vitae RDF descriptors addressed in this session are:

Knowledge and intellectual abilities (A)
This domain contains the knowledge and intellectual abilities needed to be able to carry out excellent research.

  • Knowledge base (A1)
  • Creativity (A3)

Engagement, influence and impact (D)
This domain contains the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage with, influence and impact on the academic, social, cultural and economic context.

  • Communication and dissemination (D2)