Personal and professional development opportunities for research students are spread throughout the duration of the research degree. The extent to which research students are required to take advantage of these opportunities will normally be negotiated through the supervision process, taking account of subject and individual needs.
Key features of the University of Wolverhampton scheme are as follows:
- Researcher development in line with the recommendations of Researcher Development Framework (RDF)
- A comprehensive induction for all students to provide a good understanding of the research degree programme and its significant landmarks
- Researcher development workshops co-ordinated by the Doctoral College
- Discipline-specific support from Faculties, Schools, and Research Institutes
- An identified Post Graduate Research Skills Development Tutor in each Faculty
Making the most out of your studies
The University has a range of opportunities, facilities and services to enrich your time here and to support your studies. Click on the headings opposite to display more information.
The University's new Research Degree Regulations consist of an introduction and 5 parts:
- Part A: Regulations for the degree awards of Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy
- Part B: Regulations for the degree award of Professional Doctorate
- Part C: Regulations for the degree award of Doctor of Medicine (MD)
- Part D: Regulations for the degree award of PhD by Published Work
- Part E: Regulations for the award of Higher Doctorate.
They are accompanied by a set of appendices outlining procedures and guidelines.
The University of Wolverhampton is committed to achieving excellence in research and scholarship. The pursuit of excellent research and the fulfilment of our responsibilities to participants in research, research users and the wider community require the maintenance of the highest standards of integrity and ethics.
The Research Policies, Procedures and Guidelines webpage provides guidance for researchers on and links to University policies addressing issues of research integrity, responsible research, research ethics and general matters of good research practice.
The University Library provides a range of services, resources, and dedicated Support for Researchers. They offer a wealth of expertise and support for all levels of research, including guidance on finding and managing information; publishing and sharing your research and how to develop the skills you’ll need as a successful researcher.
If you are coming to the end of your studies at the University of Wolverhampton you may be considering your options for your next steps. You may be interested in completing further study, working in the UK, or you may just want to attend your graduation ceremony and return home.
If you are currently enrolled on a PhD, or other doctorate-level qualification, and on a Tier 4 visa at the University of Wolverhampton, you may be able to apply to stay in the UK for an additional 12 months at the end of your course, under the Doctorate Extension Scheme (DES).
The University of Wolverhampton is a member of Vitae. Vitae is the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers, they work with institutions and support their work towards achieving research excellence, innovation and impact.
The University also has subscriptions to the Researcher Development Framework (RDF) and RDF Planner.
Support and guidance for International students.
Careers, Enterprise & the Workplace - Careers advice & guidance, jobs & placements, volunteering, start your own business.
The Multi-Faith Chaplaincy - A friendly and unique place on campus for people of all faiths and none.
Students’ Union - A comforting and welcoming space on campus, as well as opportunities to get involved in social and sporting activities, advice and support.
Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) - Comprehensive support services for students with disabilities