Faculty of Science & Engineering Ethics Resources
School of Architecture and the Built Environment
Consists of three specialised areas:
- Architecture
- Built Environment
- Civil Engineering
Relevant ethics resources are:
- The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA): https://www.architecture.com/about/riba-ethical-principles
- The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB): https://www.ciob.org/industry/policy-research/policy-positions/ethical-standards
- The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS): https://www.rics.org/profession-standards/rics-standards-and-guidance/conduct-competence/rules-of-conduct
- The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE): https://www.ice.org.uk/download-centre/code-of-conduct
School of Engineering, Computing & Mathematical Sciences
The Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences Subject Ethics Committee approves projects across a wide range of areas including: Computer Science, IT, Data Science, AI, Cybersecurity, Mathematics, Statistics and other related disciplines.
Relevant ethics resources are:
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) https://www.ieee.org/about/corporate/governance/p7-8.html
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) https://www.acm.org/code-of-ethics
- BCS, The Charted Institute for IT (BCS) https://www.bcs.org/membership-and-registrations/become-a-member/bcs-code-of-conduct/
- Royal Statistical Society (RSS) and the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) Ethical Data Science https://www.actuaries.org.uk/system/files/field/document/An%20Ethical%20Charter%20for%20Date%20Science%20WEB%20FINAL.PDF
- UK Cybersecurity Council https://www.ukcybersecuritycouncil.org.uk/ethics/ethical-declaration/
- Institute of Mathematics & its Applications (IMA) https://ima.org.uk/16903/mathematics-and-ethics/
Relevant ethics resources for Engineering are:
- Royal Academy of Engineering: https://raeng.org.uk/ethics
- Royal Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Council joint statement of ethical principles: https://www.engc.org.uk/ethics
- Engineering Ethics Toolkit: https://epc.ac.uk/resources/toolkit/ethics-toolkit/
- Institution of Engineering and Technology: https://www.theiet.org/membership/professionalism-and-ethics
- Institution of Chemical Engineering: https://www.icheme.org/about-us/governance/code-of-professional-conduct/professional-ethics/
School of Life Sciences
The Life Sciences Ethics Committee reviews projects in the disciplines of Animal Behaviour and Wildlife Conservation, Biology, Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Environmental Science and Forensic Science.
Relevant ethics resources are:
- NHS Health Research Authority https://www.hra.nhs.uk/
- NC3Rs https://nc3rs.org.uk/3rs-resources/responsibility-use-animals-bioscience-research
- Expectations of the major UK research council and charitable funding bodies for those working with vertebrates in biosciences research Responsibility in the use of animals in bioscience research | NC3Rs
- Royal Society of Chemistry https://www.rsc.org/globalassets/03-membership-community/join-us/membership-regulations/royal-society-of-chemistry-guide-to-ethics.pdf
School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy specialise in three disciplines:
- Pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Pharmacology
Relevant ethics resources are:
- Pharmacy law and ethics (including General Pharmaceutical council guidance and standards, and Medicines, Ethics and Practise) https://www.resourcepharm.com/pharmacy-law-and-ethics.html
- Code of professional and ethical conduct: rsb.org.uk/images/Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct.pdf
- Medicines, Ethics and Practice Medicines, Ethics and Practice - MEP | RPS (rpharms.com)
End of Study Report (Word doc 22k)