This is a project funded by British council within the call Women in Science: UK-Brazil Gender Equality Partnerships.

According to UN reports, concerning the legal frameworks that promote, monitor and enforce gender equality, in 2022 Brazil achieved 72.7% out of 100%; compared to 90.9% (UK) and 81.8% (Australia). Since Brazil is currently in the process of creating public policies addressing transversality of gender and race, it is timely for Brazilian academia to lead on embedding intersectionality into public policies at the outset, ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion for all becomes normalised within Brazilian society. Therefore, the aim of this bid is to promote the awareness of Athena SWAN and BGEF in this bi-lateral collaborative network of UK and Brazil HEIs. In doing so, the objective of the DESIRE Project is to focus on intersectionality in STEM subjects in HEIs in the UK and Brazil. This will lead to the question of how BGEF can be implemented, identifying leadership commitment and resources for developing self-assessment processes and teams. This will underpin institutional policies and practices to support progress towards achieving gender equality in STEM subjects in Brazilian HEIs.