Health scanning facility given the green light to reopen
A specialist health scanning facility at the University of Wolverhampton is due to reopen at Walsall Campus on Monday 6th July 2020.
The specialist equipment, which was given an official seal of approval in February 2019, has facilitated over 1000 referrals from Walsall Manor Hospital since its introduction and is the only health scanner of its type in the Walsall NHS Trust region.
It was closed in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic when social distancing regulations were announced by the government.
HealthScan at the University’s Walsall Campus provides body screening and diagnostic services for athletes and members of the community.
Matt Aldridge, Principal Lecturer for Education Enhancement in Health in the Faculty of Education, Health and Wellbeing, said: “Following the closure of our facilities due to the pandemic, Walsall Manor Healthcare have now visited the site and fully assessed it, approving the facility to re-open.
“We have a number of outpatients waiting for scans and can assure everyone that appropriate social distancing measures have been put in place, in conjunction with our staff using appropriate levels of PPE, to ensure that treatment can be carried out in a safe environment.”
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) provided official registration for the service, reassuring users that it is regulated and inspected.
HealthScan uses state-of-the-art bone density scanning technology with a wide range of applications including measurement of bone mineral density including diagnosis of osteoporosis and osteopenia.
For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.