Pharmacists go down under in search of collaboration
Two University of Wolverhampton academics visited Australia and Indonesia recently to present their research and explore opportunities for collaboration.
Dr Hana Morrissey and Professor Patrick Ball visited the Pharmacy School at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia and returned to England via Jakarta, Indonesia, to present at the Muhammadiyah International Conference on Health and Pharmaceutical Development 2018.
At the conference Professor Ball presented on optimising medicine use in geriatric patients and Dr Morrissey presented on models of health care. The academics also attended a two-day workshop at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital attended by 100 delegates.
Professor Ball talked about clinical nutrition including parenteral (intravenous) nutrition and Dr Morrissey presented on ’Clinical Audit,’ the process of examining and improving models of healthcare through audit of processes and outcomes.
Dr Morrissey said: “Our trips to various universities and conferences during the summer gave us some amazing opportunities to showcase the work of the School of Pharmacy at the University in Wolverhampton.
“We were also able to share some of our expertise at local hospitals, offering insight into new practices and improving models of healthcare through the audit of processes and outcomes.”
Dr Morrissey and Professor Ball also attended the International Pharmacy Federation Conference which took place in Glasgow, showcasing the work of Pharmacy graduates, and they attended ‘Mental Health 2018’ at the Royal Society of Medicine in London, to get an insight into the implementation of the Government’s Five Year Forward View on Mental Health which will assist three PhD students who are currently working in this area.
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