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Students have their say


Satisfaction with teaching and learning at the University of Wolverhampton has improved, according to a national survey of students.

The National Student Survey (NSS) asks students from all over the country how satisfied they are with their university, course, teaching, support, resources and students’ union.

Students’ satisfaction with the teaching on their course and on their assessment feedback at Wolverhampton both rose, while 84 per cent of students were satisfied with the learning opportunities provided.

Wolverhampton also received a score of 86 per cent for the quality of its learning resources, which includes IT and library facilities. University of Wolverhampton students recorded an overall satisfaction rate of more than 82 per cent.

The survey also highlighted that more students at the University felt their views were listened to and that they were part of a learning community, when compared with other universities.

The NSS follows on from the year’s other big survey – the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) – which looks at whether a student is in work or further study six months after they graduate.

This year’s survey found that a record 96.3 per cent of University Wolverhampton students going into jobs or further study, outperforming the UK average for all universities and a record high for the University, placing it the fifth highest in the UK for employability.

Dr Anthea Gregory, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, said: “This year the University launched its new strategic plan and putting students first is one of its three main pillars so the results from the NSS provide some very positive feedback.

“We are particularly pleased that we are moving in the right direction as far as teaching, learning and student support is concerned.

“As a University we are making significant investment in improving the student experience through our ongoing £250m Our Vision, Your Opportunity programme. This has resulted in new outstanding facilities like the Rosalind Franklin science building, a new £18m business school, high-tech engineering facilities at our Telford Campus, a brand new courtyard, catering and social learning facilities at our city campus and the ongoing £100m Springfield Campus development.

“Alongside this we have ensured our students have the knowledge, skills and qualities that employers are seeking resulting in a record-high 96.3 per cent employability rate. This means our students have a better chance of succeeding when they graduate with more than two-thirds getting graduate level jobs with graduate level salaries.

“Our Annual Provider Review, an external review of academic standards and student experience, found that the University of Wolverhampton fully meets requirements for quality and standards and in particular, that students’ academic experience is of high quality and student outcomes are generally good or excellent, with the University demonstrating continuous improvement.”

The University’s dedicated Clearing website is now up and running outlining courses which still have spaces available. Clearing offers degree applicants an alternative route for enrolling on a University course when they get their examination results.

Any students who already have their results, including BTEC and Access qualifications, can start the application process now, while A-Level students can apply for a place when they receive results on Thursday 17th August 2017.

The new Clearing website pages give detailed information about what courses are available and how students can apply when they receive their results. Students can register for a phone call from an advisor on the A-Level Results day or call the Clearing Hotline on 01902 323505.

The University will also be staging an Open Day on Saturday 20 August.


For more information please contact James Allen in the Media Relations Office on 01902 322003.

Date Issued: Wednesday 9 August 2017

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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