Experts guide
Across all faculties at the University of Wolverhampton, we have internationally renowned academics specialising in specific areas of research who are happy to speak to the media and offer insights into their areas of expertise.
We cover a range of research topics including sports psychology, homelessness, war studies, economics, religious studies as well as science and engineering.
Get in touch with the Corporate Communications Office if you'd like to speak to one of our academic experts:
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Our experts are organised below by faculty:
Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences, Faculty of Health, Education and Wellbeing and Faculty of Science and Engineering
Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences
Dr Paschal Anosike - Africa, Entrepreneurship & Leadership
Entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship and SME development in Africa, Africa’s informal economy/informal sector, youth employment and employability, economic and state fragility in Africa, forced migration from Africa to Europe.
Professor Stephen Badsey - Conflict and war studies
Modern warfare and conflict (mid-19th century to the present day), war propaganda, media coverage of warfare and conflict, media and military relations, the British Army (mid-19th century to the present day), the Boer War (1899-1902), the First World War (1914-1918), the Second World War (1939-1945, particularly the Battle of Normandy 1944), the Falklands War (1982), the Gulf War (1991), cavalry and all aspects of horses in warfare (mid-19th century onwards).
Professor Graham Brooks - Corruption, Gambling and Organised Crime
International corruption, fraud and corruption in sport, gambling industry, individuals and gambling and crime, organised crime and gambling and whistleblowing.
Janine Bryant - Ageing Dancers, Dance Training
Ageing dancers, range of motion, conditioning for dancers, dance training protocols.
Dr Stuart Sean Farquhar - Finance, Accounting and Economics
Corporate governance, board of directors, executive compensation, sports economics.
Twitter: @StuartSFarquhar
Dr Louise Fenton - Voodoo, Witchcraft, Horror Films & Zombies
Haitian Vodou, New Orleans Voodoo, history of New Orleans, witchcraft, horror films 1930-1970, zombie and Voodoo cinema, representations of Voodoo in literature, film, TV, theatre, animation, illustration, Haitian art and representations of Gypsies and Romani (UK and Europe).
Twitter: @louise_fenton
Professor Keith Gildart - Labour and Social History, Coal Mining History
Labour history/trade unions, coal mining history, popular music, youth culture, spiritualism/supernatural and working class culture.
Dr Benjamin Halligan - Cinema and Popular Culture
Cinema, popular music, culture and politics, feminism, pornography, theology and popular culture and horror films.
Dr Halligan is the Director of the Doctoral College.
Twitter: @benhalligan
Dr Steve Iafrati - Social Policy, Poverty & Regeneration
Poverty, social exclusion and marginalisation, food banks, regeneration, communities and welfare.
Twitter: @steve_iafrati
Dr Jenni Jones - Coaching & Mentoring, Women in Leadership
Coaching and mentoring (particularly within the public sector, for instance; the UK Police), learning and development, women and leadership, leadership and change, employability skills.
Dr Spencer Jones - Armed Forces and War Studies
Military history, British Army, special forces, Anglo-Boer War (1899 – 1902), First World War (1914 – 1918), Iraq War (2003 – 2011).
Twitter: @historian1914
Dr Opinderjit Kaur Takhar - Religious Education, South Asian & Sikh Studies
Religion, religious education, free schools, religion and society, caste and the South Asian community, South Asian religious communities in the UK, religion and gender, Sikh and Hindu issues and Indian/Eastern spirituality.
Twitter: @DrOpinderjit
Professor George Kassimeris - Terrorism, Political Violence, Extremism
Terrorism, political violence, extremism, war and conflict.
Professor Silke Machold - Corporate Governance
Corporate governance, value-creating boards, board diversity and women on boards.
Professor Machold is Dean of Research and Head of the Research Policy Unit.
Professor Kristina Niedderer - Design for Dementia, Craft, Mindful Design
Design for dementia, mindful design, design for behaviour change, craft.
Professor Ross W. Prior - Arts, Heritage, Drama & Theatre
Arts education, applied arts and health/wellbeing, learning and teaching, art-based research, heritage education, drama/theatre.
Dr Peter Robinson - Tourism, Urban Exploration
Tourism management, event management, tourism and regeneration, tourist experience, Cold War tourism, urban exploration.
Twitter: @peterdrobinson
Professor Roger Seifert - Industrial Relations
Industrial relations, strikes, wages, bargaining and negotiations, trade unions, union relations with the Labour Party and employment conditions.
Professor Laura Ugolini - Retail, Menswear, Historical Men
Retailing and consumption of menswear in Britain (c. 1880-1939), civilian men in England during the First World War, English middle-class fathers and sons (c. 1880-1918).
Professor Matthew Wyon - Dance Science
Dance medicine, dance science, dance injury, dance training, strength training and vitamin D.
Faculty of Education, Health and Wellbeing
Kay Biscomb - Sport, Women in Sport
Print media of women athletes, sport and identity, women's and girls' sport and inclusion, and exercise dependence.
Twitter: @KayBiscomb
Professor Carol S Bond - Digital Health and Healthcare
The use of the internet in health by patients and by healthcare professionals, digital health, self management for people living with long term health conditions, participatory healthcare, healthcare professional (especially nurses) education.
Twitter: @cbond
Dr Tracey Devonport - Sport Psychology, Emotional Eating and Body Image
Sport psychology, exercise psychology, performance psychology, stress, coping, emotion regulation, emotional intelligence, emotional eating and body image.
Twitter: @TjDevonport
Dr Danny Hinton - Work & Organisational Psychology
Work and organisational psychology, personality assessment, psychometric testing, fairness in assessment and recruitment and selection.
Twitter: @DHOccPsych
Professor Michael Jopling - Schools, Education Policy
School collaboration, school networks, educational leadership, vulnerable families, school improvement, education policy.
Dr Gurpinder Lalli - School Meals, Food Studies
School meals, food Studies, research on school canteens, TESOL.
Twitter: @gurpinderlalli
Professor Andy Lane - Sports Psychology, Wellbeing, Exercise
Sport psychology, wellbeing, exercise as medicine, emotional control, stress, performing under pressure, emotional eating, mental skills training, mental toughness, resilience and emotional intelligence.
Twitter: @AndyLane27
Dr Richard Medcalf - Sport & Physical Activity, Sport Policy
Inclusion in sport and physical activity, evaluating the impact of sport, sports policy and practice.
Twitter: @rsmedcalf
Dr Moses Murandu - Wound Management and Healing
Tissue viability, wound management and use of granulated sugar on wound healing.
Professor Jean Williams - Olympic/Paralympic History, Sport Products
Olympic and Paralympic history, cultural Olympiad, European football (especially women’s football), history of sport, sport products and commercialisation, heritage and sporting museums and wider cultural industry links with sport (literature, music, fashion, toys).
Twitter: @JeanMWilliams
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Professor Phil Cox - Food Production, Chemical/Biochemical Engineering
Food production nutrition safety, chemical engineering and biochemical engineering.
Professor Ndy Ekere - Electronics, Renewable Energy & Smart Cities
Electronics packaging and assemblies, failure analysis and reliability engineering, renewable energy, technologies for energy infrastructure and technologies for smart cities.
Paraskevi (Evi) Goggolidou - Genetics, Rare Diseases, Biology
Genetics, rare diseases, chronic kidney conditions, ciliopathies, genomics, inherited paediatric conditions, molecular biology.
Dr Paul Hampton - Architecture and Built Environment
Architecture, built environment, surveying, accessible environments, health and safety, flooding, facilities management, work based learning, employability.
Twitter: @paulhampton11
Dr Martin Khechara - Biological Weapons and Bio Terrorism
Biological weapons, bio-terrorism, learning technology and public engagement with science.
Twitter: @drkhechara
Dr Stefano Vaglio - Zoo Biology, Primate Behaviour
Primate behaviour, primate chemical ecology, primate olfaction (including humans) and zoo animal welfare.