Phishing awareness

Delete it from your email.

  1. Delete the email and change your IT account password, which you can do by pressing ‘Ctrl, Alt, Delete’ and selecting ‘Change a Password’, if on campus. If off campus, you will need to register for the self service reset at 
  2. Contact the IT Service Desk using and let them know that you have received this phishing email and that you have changed your password.
  1. If you have opened the email and provided any financial details, please contact your bank as a matter of urgency. 
  2. If you have entered any personal data at all – login details like name/email and password, change your IT account password straight away by pressing ‘Ctrl, Alt, Delete’ and selecting ‘Change a Password’, if on campus. If off campus, you will need to register for the self service reset at 
  3. Contact the IT Service Desk using and let them know that you have opened and clicked on a phishing email and that you have changed your password. 

Hackers either buy or use old email addresses which are freely available on hacking sites. 

Yes it is, however if your username and password is given away in a Phishing attack this opens the University address book to everyone who has hacked that compromised account. Each compromised account can see a number of different hackers using it.

The evidence tends to indicate that the email addresses in circulation across hacking sites are extremely old, if and when University IT accounts are found on hacking sites with a username and password these accounts are immediately disabled.

There are regular Phishing campaigns that are targetted at Universities. These include pretending to be from the tax office HMRC and the offer of a tax refund, messages pretending to be from the Student Loan Company and invitations to join your contacts on applications like Teams, WhatsApp and Microsoft Office.



Anti-virus software

Keeping University and personally owned devices protected with anti-virus software is always important but particlularly at the moment as we are all working and learning online.

The Universities PCs and laptops are pre-installed with anti-virus software, that automatically updates itself to keep the device protected.

Personally owned Windows 10 PCs and laptops

If you have a Windows 10 laptop, it comes installed with ant-virus software called Windows Defender. Please do check that it is set to automatically update!

To check your software is up-to-date, key the words 'Windows Defender Settings' into your Search menu, and then select the first option 'Windows Update'. You should then see a message with a green tick confirming you are up-to-date. If not, select the option 'Check for updates' and should confirm you are up-to-date.