Previous Projects

Here you'll find information about our previous projects...

The project identified a need for improved access to library resources. The project made changes to the University’s Library to improve services and encouraged a more efficient offering through better data use. 

  • The first change, a new Library Management System (LMS), bringing two systems (one to handle online and another to handle offline resources) together. 
  • The second change, a fully integrated Resource List Management (RLM) system, housing information on modules/courses and linking information on the new LMS.
  • The third change, introduced RFID tagging to all resources, creating a more efficient library experience for staff and students.

For more information, please click here: Digital Library Platform - University of Wolverhampton (

Student and staff feedback identified a need for an improved timetabling system. The project implemented a new way of working and brought in new systems for both staff and students to improve the learning and teaching experience at the University. 

The project implemented a new system that provides personal timetables for both students and staff; allowing a timetable to be built around the individual, rather than the courses. The project improved communication to students of any timetable changes, as well as release timetables at an earlier point in the academic year to aid forward planning. 

The University introduced a new online room booking system. The system shows all available learning and teaching spaces, allows students and staff to view room availability and users are able to search for a specific type of space and receive recommendations of available rooms that suit their needs - with 360° views of most spaces built into the system before you book.

For more information, please click here: Timetabling and Room Booking - University of Wolverhampton (

The project procured and implemented a powerful CRIS to improve the capture, management, analysis and exploitation of our research. Elements, from Symplectic, will further the University’s capability in reporting, tracking and enabling our research efforts. 

The project reduced manual workload across the entire research function, enabled transparency of publications and data, reduced duplication of data entry and gave researching academics more control over their own research, profiles and output data.

For more information, please click here: Current Research Information System (CRIS) - University of Wolverhampton (

The Student Check In Project supported the wider Student Engagement Policy, by establishing a system for attendance monitoring at timetabled learning and teaching sessions.

This attendance monitoring system provided a reliable, secure, and efficient method of recording student attendance, which meets the requirements of the UKVI, Apprenticeships and students enrolled on courses regulated by PSRBs. 

There is clear evidence to show that to achieve academic success, the majority of students need to engage fully with timetabled teaching sessions. In order to be effective and to ensure that appropriate enhancement can take place, it is important that engagement is monitored by the University. Timetabled learning and teaching sessions are an essential part of the student learning experience on all courses. It is therefore appropriate that the University provides a reliable, secure and efficient method of recording student attendance at these sessions.

For more information, please click here: Student Check In - University of Wolverhampton (

The proposed Laptop Loan service enables students, some of whom may be in digital poverty, to borrow a laptop to be used on or off campus to support their studies. The scheme of short loan via self-issue cabinets and longer term loans via issue by Library staff. There is Windows and Apple laptops available to loan. 

Phase II of the project sourced, installed, trialled and rolled-out the self-serve cabinets containing the laptops for short-term loan.

The main benefit of the overall Laptop Loan scheme is to help alleviate students suffering digital poverty and to ensure those students who do not have access to suitable computing equipment are not disadvantaged or disenfranchised. The benefits of phase II of the scheme involve self-serve cabinets to free-up library staff from having to administer the loans, thus allowing more laptops to be offered more efficiently to students.

For more information, please click here: Laptop Loans - University of Wolverhampton (

The Electronic Management of Assessment (EMA) project builds on the success of the introduction of Canvas VLE to all staff and further embeds the VLE into the teaching and learning cycle by delivering online assignments and assessments to students anytime, anywhere. EMA allows academics to manage assessment effectively and efficiently; activities which are central to the learning experience. 

Focusing on the student experience, some of the benefits of the project included: 

  • A consistently positive student experience 
  • A University wide approach to the Electronic Management of Assessment 
  • Cost and time efficiencies for students 
  • The availability of robust, usable and secure data to inform learner analytics, which in turn will support the strategic pillar of Students First 
  • Supporting the strategic goals of the University 
  • Integrated systems, facilitating single data entry, multiple use.

For more information, please click here: Electronic Management of Assessments - University of Wolverhampton (

Following a competitive tender process, the University appointed Higher Education Partners (HEP) and entered a contractual partnership for the delivery of Postgraduate distance learning programmes, utilising a carousel model of 6 entry points for recruitment, 100% online and asynchronous.  Within the first 12 months we introduced 7 courses in the areas of Business and Psychology and a further 3 programmes with Computer Science. 

The objective of the Project was to launch an online distanced learning platform that will grow to over 3,000 students by 2030 in line with the strategic plan and wider Global Opportunities Strategy.  This is to be a scalable platform where students are recruited via a partnership organisation.

For more information, please click here: Online Distance Learning - University of Wolverhampton (

Windows 7 is coming to its ‘end of life’ and Microsoft is strongly recommending upgrading hardware to running Windows 10. This will avoid issues regarding support that will no longer be available.

The Windows 10 project recommenced in November 2020 with the aim to upgrade to Windows 10 and deploy new devices to all staff to by January 2022.

For more information, please click here: Windows 10 - University of Wolverhampton (

When the Digital Campus Transformation Programme began, there were five foundation projects that introduced new systems to the University and improved on the technological infrastructure.

For more information, please click here: Foundation Projects - University of Wolverhampton (


Student Portal 

The project identified a need for a “one-stop-shop” system. The project provided a mechanism that would bring all of the relevant information together and present it to students through a single interface that can be accessed from anywhere. The solution delivers a personalised, dynamic and interactive experience, pulling content from systems students are used to as well as some new ones.

For more information, please click here: Student Portal - University of Wolverhampton (


Digital Platforms 

Over 120 of the University’s critical systems all run on a collection of servers, we call the Storage Environment. The Storage Environment is essential for current business operations. 

The project saw a new platform, ‘The Digital Platform’ replace the old Storage Environment that provides computing, storage and backup with a more powerful, scalable, and robust solution that will provide these services to the University.

For more information, please click here: Digital Platforms - University of Wolverhampton (


Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) 

The project implemented a new virtual learning environment to replace the system that was in use since the early 90s. The new environment was chosen and delivered under the principle that it would enhance learning and teaching and re-establish our place as a sector leader in innovation in e-learning.

For more information, please click here: VLE - University of Wolverhampton (


Business Intelligence 

Business Intelligence is needed to support the delivery of all of the University’s key strategies. 

Good management information and engaging in evidence-based decision making is essential for all decision makers. A new and holistic approach is required to co-ordinate information derived from business functions, and from external sources, to deliver and monitor against a range of requirements, operational objectives and strategic KPIs. 

The project represented a new remit, and a new model of working for all parties involved with the production of statistics and data informing the University’s business decision making.

For more information, please click here: Business Intelligence - University of Wolverhampton (


Applications Anywhere 

Applications Anywhere enables staff and students to access the software and teaching applications that they require, wherever they are, whenever they need them, on a device of their choice.

For more information, please click here: Apps Anywhere - University of Wolverhampton (