Information classed as PUBLIC or unclassified
This information can be readily shared and made publicly available with no adverse consequences for any organisation or individual.
Typical content might be:
- Information about individuals made public, with their consent, on social media sites or University websites
- Anonymised information.
- Information on the University website (marketing, recruitment, services, support, course details)
- Information used on social media
- News updates
- Some policy documents
- Published Research
- Published Financial information
- Most areas published under the Freedom of Information request.
Information classed as RESTRICTED - classified
This information can be shared appropriately with a limited audience, usually but not exclusively, within the University. It would likely contain some personal data and have commercial or financial value. Inappropriate sharing could adversely affect the University’s reputation.
Typical content might be:
- Limited personal data: name, email address, ID, phone number, address, date of birth
- Student academic information (marks, progress, attendance)
- Academic staff qualifications, publication details
- Emails and documents containing limited personal data
- Online identifier (social media)
- Location data, IP address
- Individual image (incl CCTV)
- Prospective student contact details.
- Policy, procedure, planning documents with HR, technical or commercially sensitive information
- Research proposals/data prior to award
- Information relating to supply or procurement of goods/services before approved publication
- Trade secrets, intellectual property intended for commercialisation.
Information classed as CONFIDENTIAL
This information has significant value to the University or an individual. Inappropriate disclosure could cause damage to the University’s reputation or operations, great distress to individuals and have possible financial or legal penalties. Includes Special Category of Personal Data as defined in Data Protection Law.
Typical content might be:
- Emails and documents that include special category personal data of staff and students (race, ethnicity, religion, health, political beliefs, genetic or biometric data, trade union membership, criminal convictions and sexual orientation.)
- Financial, bank details, salary, student fees
- Student academic progression, wellbeing, provisional degree award
- Individual’s name plus DOB or NI number, passport details, home address and phone number
- Research proposals prior to award
- Information relating to the supply or procurement of goods/services, prior to approved publication
- Trade secrets, intellectual property intended for commercialisation
- Legal advice or other information relating to legal action against or by the University.