Student Timetable FAQs
What is a personalised timetable?
A personalised timetable is exactly what it says it is. A timetable that is personalised to the user: displaying only the events and bookings that relate to them.
- Students will only see the events that they need to attend. Previously their timetable would display their lectures along with every seminar/teaching activity related to the module whereas now, they will only see the lectures and the seminars that they are scheduled into.
- Teaching staff, similar to students, will see any events that they are linked to in the Timetabling system.
How do I view my personalised timetable?
You can access your personalised timetable through myWLV.
I can’t get into myWLV to view my personalised timetable…
If you’re having trouble accessing myWLV, contact our IT Service Desk who will be able to assist you. They can be reached by emailing or calling 01902 322000 (ext 2000).
General Timetable questions
Will my timetable include any appointments/changes made in Outlook?
No, your myWLV timetable will only show events booked in the University timetable system.
Course/Module related questions
Will I still be able to see other activity relating to a module if I need to?
Yes. You can still view all course/module activity by accessing the university module timetable.
There isn’t anything displaying on my timetable/my course information isn’t appearing as it’s meant to be
If your timetable appears blank when you know it shouldn’t be or something isn’t displaying as it should, contact the Examination and Timetabling Unit by emailing
My lectures and seminars on my timetable clash…
If you notice a clash or there is something wrong with the events on your timetable, contact the Examination and Timetabling Unit by emailing
Further information
To access further information on Timetabling and the Digital Campus Programme, use the links below.