Student Portal

The Student Portal Project was born out of the wider VLE Project. Through student feedback, it was identified there was a need for a “one-stop-shop” system where they could find (or be notified of) the information they needed, when they needed it. 

Previously students would have had to access a number of learning and administrative systems separately to find out key information i.e. library/loan details, timetables, campus services etc.

The Student Portal Project provided a mechanism that would bring all of the relevant information together and present it to students through a single interface (web and mobile based) that can be accessed from anywhere. The solution delivers a personalised, dynamic and interactive experience, pulling content from systems students are used to as well as some new ones.

Please visit the Student Portal webpages for more information.

  • Based on student feedback, additional features and functionality were released on Wednesday 23rd March 2016.

  • The latest update included a new tile that takes students to their grades, a new tile for students to provide feedback and suggestions, a redesigned layout and many more technical enhancements behind the scenes.

  • Over the summer period the Student Portal pilot will be reviewed to identify further scaling and consider future developments for the academic year 2016/17.

  • The Student Portal launched on Wednesday 20th January 2016, and has received overwhelmingly positive student feedback.

  • Demonstrations and training activities took place in Here 2 Help offices, Learning Centres, and with support staff in Faculties.

  • The Project Team is currently considering future developments for the Student Portal.

  • More information, including help and a video introduction to the key features and functionality of the Student Portal can be found at:

  • On Wednesday 20th January 2016, the Student Portal pilot (myWLV) will launch.

  • This large-scale pilot includes taught undergraduate and postgraduate on-campus students.

  • Students will be able to access the portal on any device via web browsers and on mobile devices through the Apple and Android app store.

  • The Student Portal will deliver information including, assessment deadlines, email, VLE topic subscriptions, links to key resources (e.g. room booking, library resources, PC availability) and many more.

  • Demonstrations and training activities are taking place in Here 2 Help offices, Learning Centres, and with support staff in Faculties.

  • has been created and will go live with support information on Wednesday 20th January 2016.

  • Additionally, students will have access to a support tile on the portal itself.

  • The Student Portal Project Team will be available during Welcome Week for students to ask questions and provide feedback.

  • On Wednesday 2nd December 2015, a live demonstration of the Student Portal took place at the Rich Exchanges Trade Fair, with positive feedback received from both staff and students.

  • A well-received user testing session took place in the Students’ Union on Wednesday 9th December 2015, with further dates for student engagement and testing organised for the week commencing 14th December 2015.

  • A large-scale pilot, including taught undergraduate and postgraduate on-campus students will launch on Wednesday 20th January 2016.

  • Several introduction and support events have been organised throughout Welcome Week and the first week of teaching.

  • A video introduction to the features and functionality of the Student Portal can be found here.

  • Following student consultation regarding the name of the Student Portal, Project Board have approved 'myWLV'.

  • Work is underway with the supplier, ready for the pilot launch in January 2016.

  • Activities with students are running continuously and we are now recruiting students to be involved in user testing of the portal.

  • A video demonstration of the Student Portal functions will be available in December 2015.

  • A live demonstration of the Student Portal will be available at the Rich Exchanges Trade Fair on Wednesday 2nd December 2015.

  • A supplier's day was held on Wednesday 19th August 2015 where a number of potential providers for the Student Portal presented their products, and engaged in dialogue with University staff and students.

  • A contract for Collabco to deliver a pilot has been awarded.

  • Two Project Board meetings have taken place.

  • The next Project Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 27th October 2015.

  • Student Engagement activities have taken place with regards to prioritisation.

  • The first project board has taken place, with consideration of the scope of the project and the terms of reference.

  • Additional members will be invited to join the project board.

  • The ways in which students will engage in the project is currently under consideration.