Digital Library Platform

About the Digital Library Platform Project

Born directly from student feedback, it was identified there was a need for improved access to library resources. The Digital Library Platform made changes to three key areas of the University of Wolverhampton’s Library which improved services and encouraged a more efficient and understood offering through better data use.

The first, a new Library Management System (LMS); bringing what was previously two systems (one to handle online and another to handle offline resources) together.

The second, a fully integrated Resource List Management (RLM) system; housing information on modules/courses and linking that to information on the new LMS.

Lastly, the third, introduced RFID tagging to all resources; creating a more efficient library experience for staff and students alike. Read more about each arm of the project below.

The project worked to provide a more ‘joined up’ library and resource management experience to all of those who interact with the facility and also brought about policy changes to improve specific elements of interaction with key groups such as students and staff.

Project Sponsor: Dr Anthea Gregory

Project Manager: Baljinder Shoker

Senior Users: Jocelyn Granger, Jon Granger, Kate Hitchens

Senior Suppliers: Ben Barry, James Anthony Edwards, Bibliotheca, The Tagging Company, ExLibris


Timeline of activity and milestones for the Digital Library Platform Project