Safeguarding concern
Report a safeguarding incident or concern
The University is committed to enabling inclusive student success. By reducing barriers to learning and support we hope to ensure all our students have the best experience while studying with us, and successfully progress to their chosen career path or further study. Through Support to Study, we aim to ensure that no student gets left behind.
The Support to Study policy provides a pathway for referral when concerns are raised about a student’s academic progress, behaviour, health or wellbeing, or ability to live safely and independently whilst at university. This policy seeks to offer a holistic and supportive framework to ensure a proportionate, appropriate, and coordinated approach is enacted on every occasion that a cause for concern is raised.
On this web page you will find an outline of the Support to Study Policy and processes, your responsibilities in the support to study process, and guidance on how and when to report a 'Cause for Concern'.
The University defines Support to Study as the means by which we support and enable students, to participate, with reasonable adjustments where necessary, in the programmes of study and/or in university life in general, without negatively impacting the safety or wellbeing of themselves or others, and with full opportunities to meet the learning outcomes for their programme.
A cause for concern may be raised about a student due to any number of factors, they may include:
Cases are reviewed by a Cause for Concern Group.
The Cause for Concern Group (CCG) meets weekly in person. It is coordinated by the Support to Study Coordinator and will include representatives from the following teams:
If intervention is require then a cause for concern can be lodged by a student or staff member through the Cause for concern form.
You can also report a concern or raise a query via email at:
If you are not sure whether or not the case fits the Support to Study criteria, or if you want to know more about the policy and processes, come along to a Cause for Concern drop-in where you can talk to Support to Study Co-ordinator, either in person or digitally.
This Support to Study policy has three Stages, with a fourth stage covering return to studies.
The initial three stages are based on the degree of concern and the perceived seriousness of the situation, informed by an assessment of the case. A cause for concern can enter and be resolved at any stage and students may move between the stages depending on the nature of the concerns.
At all stages, a student will be treated with dignity and respect, and will be strongly encouraged to engage in discussions and decisions as much as is reasonably practicable. During any meeting, students will be given the opportunity to discuss their experiences and support needs and agree a suitable plan to manage the situation effectively.
Providing the student has grounds, as defined below, they may appeal against a decision made at stage two, three or four of the Support to Study Policy.
The grounds for appeal are:
Appeals must be submitted within 10 working days of receipt of the written decision and should be made in writing to:
The Conduct and Appeals Unit
Appeals submitted more than 10 working days after receipt of the written decision may be considered where there is independent evidence to demonstrate that the student lacked the capacity to submit an appeal within the published deadline.
Detailed guidance on these stages can be located in the procedure section of this policy.