What is Dysgraphia?
Dysgraphia is a SpLD affecting fine motor skills, mainly hand-writing. It can also affect spelling and the ability to sequence movement. More information can be found here: https://dyslexiaida.org/understanding-dysgraphia/
- You need to allow longer to write assignments and answer exam questions
- Others may not be able to read your handwriting, and you may also struggle to read it back
- Board-copying is challenging
- You may take risks and worry about the consequences afterwards.
- Life in student accommodation may be distracting: many students with AD(H)D find it hard to say no to socialising when they need to study due to being impulsive and full of energy.
- Your written work may go off on tangents as you lose focus on the original task.
- You might be fidgety or restless. In lectures you might daydream, fiddle with your phone, doodle, or repeatedly click, tap or shuffle.
- Many people with AD(H)D are creative and inventive, coming up with solutions that might be overlooked by other people.
Word process your work, and consider learning to touch type
To access information on the whiteboard, take a photo, or use Audionotetaker (available through Apps Anywhere) to create notes you can listen to.
Use google microphone to dictate text on apple devices.
The University may be able to provide reasonable adjustments for exams such as extra time and use of a PC or scribe in exams