Dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD's)
Thank you for visiting the University's page for students with Dyslexia and neurodiversities. The links below will give you more information about SpLD's and the support you can access to help you with your studies.
Many learning differences co-occur, so it is not unusual to have traits for more than one.
Click the images below for more information on various differences.
More information on dyslexia and SpLDs can be found at: British Dyslexia Association - Dyslexia and Co-occurring Difficulties: Overview
More information on visual stress can be found at: Information about Dyslexia and Visual Issues
To find out if you are likely to have dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia you may wish to use to use an online screening tool and checklist. Details can be found here: https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/screening
Screening tools are not perfect but give an indication of whether an SpLD is likely. This is helpful to know as full diagnostic assessment can be time-consuming and expensive.
A full diagnostic assessment report for a SpLD is required for access to support available through Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) or special exam access arrangements, such as extra time. The diagnostic assessment must be completed by a registered assessor. Information on how to find an assessor can be found here: https://www.patoss-dyslexia.org/Tutor-Index-Landing
More information on the diagnostic assessment process can be found here: https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/common/ckeditor/filemanager/userfiles/Information_on_Diagnostic_Assessments_for_Post_16_and_Adults1.pdf
Before booking a diagnostic assessment please check you have had a standard eye test within the past two years. If not, you will need to do this first. If you experience visual stress you will need to see a behavioural orthoptist or specialist vision clinic before being tested for SpLD.
If you have previously been diagnosed with dyslexia or other SpLD, please bring in your report so we can advise.
Recommendations for support are based on the report. For more information on support with your studies click here: I need support with my studies
If the report does not find evidence of a SpLD, you can still access a wide range of support at University. To find out more click: Student Support
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