Project: PACE – A co explored and co-created solution to address the mental health difficulties of students who undertake placement learning.
The University of Wolverhampton, University of Wolverhampton Students Union, and the Black Country Partnership Mental Health NHS Trust – Recovery College are delivering a project to support student mental health focusing on students engaged in placement based learning. The project is funded by the Office for Students and will develop, test, and deliver an innovative online suite of tools to support students to manage their own mental health.
This document tells you about the project and helps answer any questions that you might have about it. Once you have read the sheet, or talked about it with one of the project team, you can decide whether you would like to take part or not.
What is the purpose of this project?
We are interested in learning from your knowledge, experiences, and insights into student mental health experienced as a result of placements experiences. We might ask you to be part of a working group to help design the suite of online tools to support student’s to manage their own mental health.
Why do you want me to take part?
We are asking you to take part as you are a student on one of the following programmes, which involve placements: Undergraduate Nursing, Primary Education, and Civil Engineering. We are keen to hear your perspective and experience on this topic and would value the opportunity to discover your thoughts to help guide us to co-create the MH tools…
Do I have to take part?
No, it is up to you to decide whether or not you take part in this project. If you do or do not want to take part, just let one of the project team know. Your decision to not take part will not affect your place on your programme/ course.
What if I change my mind?
If, at any time, you change your mind about taking part, that’s fine. You might have started off wanting to be involved, but you don’t now. It’s fine, just let us know.
What will I be asked to do if I decide to take part?
If you decide to take part, you will be asked to take part in a “What If” event where a group of students will discuss areas you think would help navigate some of the mental health difficulties students experience as a result of placements experiences. These “What if” events will be co led by the project team and student reps and will last approximately 3 hours. The sessions might also include a researcher who will be taking notes.
You might then be asked to join a smaller group - a working group - to help design a suite of online tools to support students to manage their own mental health.
Are there any possible risks of taking part?
We do not expect any negative effects as a result of taking part. You are free to withdraw at any point, and do not have to give a reason for this. If you do want to withdraw from the project, please inform Clare Dickens (details below). Although you will only be asked to talk about your knowledge of the issues facing students and possible solutions, and not any personal experiences, should you feel that you need any support useful sources are listed via this link: Each what if event will also be supported by SSW colleagues, so that if there are any active issues that you are navigating, and for which you require support; this can be offered.
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
By taking part in the project you have the opportunity to help the University to understand and develop the ways in which student mental health can be supported. For your time a £10 Amazon Voucher will be given, as well as a professional testimony for your CV, indicating your co- exploration and co-production activities and involvement within this project.
What will happen to my information?
All information you provide will be made anonymous. This means that we will not share the details of your participation with anyone. All data will be stored according to the University of Wolverhampton Research Data Management Policy and treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. We may seek to include the information you provide in the reports or other materials we produce, but we will not include names or other identifiable information.
I want to know more about the project
You can ask the project team whenever you talk to them about the project. They will be happy to answer your questions. If you have a question when the project team isn’t there, please feel free to phone or email one of us.
Who is organising this project?
A team from the University of Wolverhampton, University of Wolverhampton Students Union, and the Black Country Partnership Mental Health NHS Trust – Recovery College are involved in this project. Clare Dickens is your main point of contact as the project lead, and can be contacted at:
Clare Dickens
University of Wolverhampton Health and Wellbeing Academic Lead
Tel: 01902 321000 ext 2637
This project has been approved by the Faculty of Arts, Business, and Social Sciences Ethics Committee at the University of Wolverhampton.
Thank you for reading this information sheet
Please do take a look at this video which has been developed to enhance the information offered in this participant information sheet. (open via google chrome)
Please keep this information for future reference
In order to progress, we will also need you to return the completed consent form below.
We really look forward to hearing from you