I completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Post Compulsory Education (PG Cert-PCE) at the University of Wolverhampton after graduating with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art. I started teaching a foundation degree in Fine Art and then worked as a consultant for the PG Cert-PCE course.
During my 14 year period working at the University of Wolverhampton I have been awarded a Master’s in Education: Learning in a Digital Age, achieved Certified Membership of the Association of Learning Technology (CMALT) and have been recognised as a Senior Fellowship of Advanced HE (SFHEA).
I’m currently an Educational Developer within the College of Learning and Teaching at the University of Wolverhampton.
I was one of the leads for the VLE project which procured Canvas and was responsible for developing training and supporting the cultural change elements of the transition, as well as disseminating effective practice.
I am the lead developer for the PACE project which will allow me to manage the student placement and co-develop the resources.
I’m extremely proud to be part of this project and look forward to developing resources that will really benefit our students and others.