Student Update: Teaching, IT access and assessments
Dear students,
Thank you all for your patience as we continue to restore our crucial University systems and services following the cyber security incident.
In this update you will find important information relating to return to on-campus teaching, re-establishing IT access to essential systems, assessment submission and extenuating circumstances.
All teaching will re-commence to on-campus delivery from next Monday 18 March. Timetables can currently be accessed whilst you are on campus, by entering your module codes at We expect access to timetabled information to be restored via myWLV within the next few days. In addition, Canvas announcements will also be sent shortly to help students navigate their return to on-campus teaching next week.
The Student Check-in system will be available from Monday and therefore you should ensure that you register your attendance at each of your sessions moving forward.
IT access
We are working to restore access to on-campus PCs and software as a priority for Monday 18 March. Some specialist software is already available in AppsAnywhere from off or on campus, and we are working hard to restore others over the coming weeks. The PCs in the Library are now available for students to use, as are the PCs in some teaching areas across all campuses.
Specialist software in Science and Engineering labs (Alan Turing Building, Springfield and Telford) is broadly available, and we expect the same for the Slabs over the next few days.
You will find that some specialist software is not currently there to use, but we are working on this as a priority.
As we progress to fully restore all our IT services you may notice that some things are not working as normal. Please bear with us and keep an eye on communications for further updates.
Your new University password and the WiFi
Before coming back onto campus, remember to replace any stored passwords, including eduroam (the WiFi), with your new one. If you use the ‘Get eduroam’ app on your phones/tablets, you can replace your old password from anywhere, just go into your app settings and change to your new password.
Alternatively, you can update your eduroam password once you are on campus. (If you experience any issues with eduroam, please ‘forget’ all UoW networks and then sign in with your new password).
Old passwords can try to connect to the University WiFi and after a number of failed attempts to connect, your IT account is designed to lock as a precaution. Please find more information on password reset on the student intranet.
When you are next on campus and signing into a University PC, you will be prompted to enter your new password as you sign in.
Library Support
The Library and Skills for Learning teams are here to help you through the assessment period. We recognise that there are several deadlines coming up, and you may be anxious to improve your submissions. Visit here to find out about the help available.
IT Support
If you experience any issues, you can contact the IT help desk for support on 01902 32 2000.
Assessment submission
As access to online learning resources have been restored, most students should now be able to start work on their assessments. To remind you extensions are in place for most assessments due between the 26 February through to 15 March. Rescheduled dates are detailed below.
- Original assessment due date 26 February to 1 March rescheduled to w/c 18 March
- Original assessment due date 4 to 8 March rescheduled to w/c 25 March
- Original assessment due date 11 to 15 March rescheduled w/c 8 April
Watch the Assessment Video here.
Module leaders will be communicating specific submission dates for your rescheduled assessments via Canvas over the coming weeks.
Please note as we have already extended assessment submissions by an additional two weeks for all students, an extra week’s extension will not be possible at this time. However, students who have an agreed automatic Student Support and Wellbeing extension for assessment, will be given this additional time on top of the rescheduled date.
We are aware that some students’ ability to submit assessments have been further impacted by the lack of Software access. Your Faculty is looking into this and will be sending out further information shortly on next steps to any affected students.
Submitting extenuating circumstances
Whilst the e:Vision student portal remains unavailable, we have taken the decision to create an alternative method for requesting extenuating circumstances. You are now able to make such requests here. Please note that you will be required to submit accompanying evidence alongside your claim. Once submitted your claim will be reviewed by a University panel in the usual way.
Thank you for your continued patience. We look forward to seeing you back on campus in person next week.
Best wishes,
Professor Gill Knight
Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic Leadership and Student Experience
Student Life and SU Support
Student Life is still available to support you. Please contact the teams below to access support in the same way as usual:
- Disability and Inclusion -
- Mental Health and Wellbeing - or complete a registration form via this link
- Support to study - or complete a cause for concern form via this link
- Dennis Turner Hardship Fund - or for new applications, please follow this link.
- Safeguarding and PREVENT - or to log a new safeguarding or PREVENT concern, please follow this link.
Please do include your student number and a summary of how we can support, or with an outline of your concern within any email you send to our teams.
24-hour support via phone or online
The University of Wolverhampton has invested in a newly developed student support platform in collaboration with Care First called WLV Student Life Connect. This is a counselling, information and advice service offering support for issues arising at university, home, or work.
This is a FREE, CONFIDENTIAL, INDEPENDENT, and IMPARTIAL source of support for you, as an undergraduate, post graduate taught, post graduate research student, or an apprentice learner. Here you can access advice, guidance, and support on a wide range of care issues, health issues, benefits and entitlements, relationships, childcare, anxiety, depression and more.
Please follow this link to find out more
Students’ Union
The Students’ Union advice centre remains open and available by phone, online and in person, at City Campus to help support students. The team can advise on issues including wellbeing, academic, housing and signposting financial support. Students can visit in person at the Ambika Paul building, City Campus, opposite the Harrison Library.
Opening hours are 9am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday or by phoning between the hours of 9 am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday: 01902 322038.
For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.