Opportunity for mature students to take part in research project with Aspire to HE
Are you a ‘mature student’ or adult learner? Did you start your first higher education course when you were over 21? If so, Aspire to HE, and The Centre for Education and Youth (CfEY) are interested in your experience.
Help support future adult learners by taking part in a short research interview and receive a £10 high street voucher, more details below!
The Centre for Education and Youth (CfEY) is a research organisation working with Aspire to HE at the University of Wolverhampton. CfEY is investigating the barriers that adult learners face in accessing higher education and is supporting Aspire to HE to create a programme of support for adults who want to go to university. To help inform their work, they want people that have had this experience to contribute their thoughts and experiences to the research, which is where you come in!
CfEY would like to conduct a phone or online interview with students to ask about their experience applying to higher education and studying at university. The interview will be relaxed and informal and will take 30-40 minutes.
To thank you for your time we will give you a £10 voucher that can be spent at any major high street store.
If you want to take part or are unsure and have questions, please email Abi Angus from CfEY abi@cfey.org and subject your email ‘Aspire to HE current adult learner interview’.
For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.