Lecturers in Creative and Professional Writing have started a podcast dedicated to their subject, research, and discussing the writing life.
CPW Pack Chat is a brand-new podcast that explores the ins and outs of being a creative writer in academia.
Dr Robert Francis, Dr Kerry Hadley-Pryce, and Dr Charley Barnes make up the Creative and Professional Writing team at our University. They'll be getting together at the end of every month to share their thoughts on all things creative writing-related and more, asking each other questions, and sharing their insights.
Programme leader, Rob, said: "As a team, we have so many amazing discussions and debates together - about what works and what doesn't, about different modes, forms, and genres, about research and teaching - we thought, why not make a series of it, and see if we can use that to encourage more people to think about the different avenues a creative life and career can take you down."
Charley, added: "We love working together and we really love chatting together, so it seemed like a winning idea as soon as it was mentioned. We'll be discussing the big issues that are facing the Humanities and the cutting-edge things in our subject, but we'll be having fun too, chatting about everyday stuff - our favourite writing snacks and worst writing habits."
Kerry said: "We all work in different ways, but there's also a lot of synergies and odd conjugations between us as researchers and writers, so it's going to be great to talk through the way our works come together in the weird ways they do."
In their first episode of CPW Pack Chat, the trio introduce themselves and their work and settle down for a good natter about the versatility of creative writing as an academic discipline. Further episodes will be released at the end of every month.